A Personal Journal of Grace and Discipleship
“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God,who loved me and gave himself for me.” - Galatians 2:20
From the blog
The Exchanged Life: Finding Freedom and Wholeness Through Spirituotherapy
In a world filled with competing counseling models, it’s not uncommon to find contrasting views on what “biblical” or “Christian” counseling truly means. Searching for answers can feel overwhelming, and the terms alone—“biblical counseling” versus “Christian counseling”—can spark endless debates on how, or whether, secular counseling methodologies fit within a Christian framework.
The Lord’s Prayer: An Invitation to Relationship, Not Ritual
When the disciples asked Jesus, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1), they likely expected a structured, formulaic response—something akin to the prayers they were used to hearing in the synagogue or temple. What Jesus gave them, however, was profoundly different. The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) is not just a framework for prayer but an invitation to relate to God as a loving Father.
Staying Out of God’s Chair: Finding Freedom from Control and Compulsion in Christ
“If you want to get along with God, stay out of His chair.” – Jack Taylor
This quote by Jack Taylor holds deep wisdom, especially for those of us who wrestle with the need for control. Staying out of God’s chair means recognizing that ultimate authority belongs to God alone. But for many, this is easier said than done. What happens when our need for control turns into compulsive actions or anxious thoughts we can’t seem to shake? How do we find freedom when our own methods for “staying in control” begin to control us?
What Does It Mean That Jesus ‘Emptied Himself’? Understanding the Kenosis of Christ
The mystery of Jesus’ incarnation—God becoming fully human while remaining fully divine—is central to the Christian faith. One of the most intriguing aspects of this mystery is what theologians call the kenosis of Christ, or His “emptying Himself.” This concept comes from Philippians 2:7, where Paul writes that Jesus, “though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.” But what does it mean that Jesus “emptied Himself”? Did He give up His divinity? Or does this “emptying” mean something else entirely?
Did the Father Really Turn Away from Jesus on the Cross?
Many of us have heard it said that, in Jesus’ darkest moment on the cross, God the Father “turned away” from His Son. We picture Jesus, burdened with the world’s sin, abandoned and alone. This interpretation is often based on Jesus’ anguished cry: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). But does this mean that the Father literally turned away or abandoned the Son?
The Mystery and Magnitude of Jesus’ Sacrifice: A Love That Transcends Death
In exploring the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice, we encounter a deep mystery: How could Jesus’ death on the cross truly be a sacrifice if He was raised from the dead and lives eternally as part of the Trinity? This question unveils layers of truth that go beyond human understanding, touching on His sovereignty, His eternal love, and the immeasurable grace that He extended to us.
The Gift of the Spirit: A Once-for-All Baptism, a Daily Filling
According to Scripture, every believer receives the Holy Spirit at the moment they trust in Jesus. In Ephesians 1:13-14, Paul explains that we were 'sealed with the promised Holy Spirit' when we believed. This sealing is a one-time event that happens as soon as we accept Christ.
The value of brokenness and total surrender
I believe the Scriptures make it clear that brokenness and total surrender are necessary for a Christian who desires to walk in consistent victory. However, I believe there is a preliminary step that must be taken in order for the believer to live the victorious Christian life. Specifically, the believer must be convicted of his fleshly living patterns.
My beliefs regarding the issue of sanctification in the believer’s life
At this particular stage in my education at Luther Rice, I find myself to be in agreement with both the Keswickian and Exchanged life views of sanctification. For the purposes of this discussion question, given the limited nature of this assignment, I will address my alignment with the Keswickian viewpoint and save my opinions regarding the Exchanged Life viewpoint until the end of my response.
My Salvation Testimony
As we all know, the bookshelves of libraries are replete with scholarly texts that present overwhelming Scriptural evidence to support Calvinism. They are equally saturated with scholarly texts that present overwhelming Scriptural evidence to support Arminianism, and, of course, everything in between.
A Spiritual Journey Into Appropriating One’s Identity in Christ: My Story
Before March of 2020, I spent the previous 20 years of my Christian walk living by sight and not by faith (2 Cor. 5:7). Surprisingly, I was entirely unaware of it. Yet there were nagging signs and symptoms of this reality, and I knew instinctively that something was wrong. In retrospect, I have since learned that I was living out my Christian faith based on my feelings regarding my walk with Christ. The following is a long-winded way of telling you my story about appropriating my true identity as a Christian, which I discovered was in Christ alone.
How justification, reconciliation, and regeneration affect my identity
In this week’s discussion question, we are asked to discuss the one implication of the objective doctrine of justification by faith that is most subjectively meaningful to us in our personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. We are to discuss a topic that is deeply meaningful to us personally.
On the definition of sin
In this week’s discussion question, we were asked to evaluate each of our author’s attempts to provide a working definition of sin. Needham defines sin in a number of ways while Erickson tries to be more theologically precise, then Hall gives a very broad perspective on the subject. We were asked to identify the definition of sin we think is most clear and expand it in our own words in a couple of paragraphs.
Theological perspectives on the nature of man
As is the typical pattern for my counseling courses at Luther Rice, our first discussion question in Foundations in Counseling was based on our reading assignment for the week. Our assignment was to present one of the theological perspectives on the nature of man. We were to support the view with Scripture, discuss how the nature of man is revealed in the Bible, and discuss the implications of the nature of man for biblical counselors.
Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 26: The case for Truth in Christian counseling
We as counselors are stewards of God’s Word, not inventors. We discover God’s truth. Exchanged life counseling is an application of biblical truth by the Spirit of truth. The Holy Spirit is the counselor working through us.
Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 25: Exchanged Life and missions
Dr. Shepherd believes the greatest need in the life of a missionary is the message of the exchanged life, that is, the personal application of the cross in their life.
Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 24: Teaching exchanged life living
Dr. Jones uses the “1 John” tests to allow a person to see if they are saved. They are not ways of becoming a Christian, rather they are ways of seeing the evidences of being a Christian. He believes that the church is not good at making disciples, but good at making converts.
Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 23: Counseling in the last days
Dr. Solomon has seen the counseling issues in these last days becoming more and more serious and sinful. He believes that there has been psychologizing the church. The experience of the cross is generally not at the center of discipleship and counseling programs.
Solomon Lecture Series, lecture 22: A survey of Romans 6-7
Every believer has been baptized by the Holy Spirit into Christ upon salvation. Our old self in Adam has been crucified (executed) with Christ at salvation. Our physical body dominated by sin has been rendered inoperative. Sin (noun) is still there in our body, but we are no longer dominated by it.
Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 21: The Who of counseling
Dr. Gregory defines counseling as giving God’s advice for people’s problems from God’s Word.
Solomon Lecture Series: Lecture 20: The nature of the exchange
Not every exchange is “sensational,” as you may expect listening to testimonies. For many it is a gradual discovery.