Welcome to Rooted in Christ Journal
Have you ever wrestled with doubts, feeling like you needed something undeniable to fully trust God? Like the apostle Thomas, I’ve been there—longing to “touch His wounds,” to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus is real. For years, I struggled with depression and anxiety, living as though faith was out of reach unless I could grasp it tangibly.
In His grace, the Lord showed me a truth that transformed my life: through my union with Christ, I no longer had to be bound by despair or fear. Joy and peace were already mine in Him. It was as if Jesus said to me, as He did to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Stop doubting and believe” (John 20:27). In that moment, I believed—and my heart responded with awe and surrender: “My Lord and my God!”
This journal is my response to that grace.
Written under the name Believing Thomas, this space reflects who I truly am in Christ—free, whole, and loved—but also who I am becoming as He continues to conform me to His image. Writing anonymously allows me to keep the focus where it belongs: on Jesus. It’s not about my name, accomplishments, or even my struggles. Instead, it’s about pointing you to the One who invites us to know Him, trust Him, and rest in Him.
The name Believing Thomas isn’t a rejection of my past doubts—it’s a celebration of Christ’s faithfulness in drawing me closer, despite them. It’s who I long to become as I surrender more of myself to His transforming grace.
Rooted in Colossians 2:6–7, this journal is an outpouring of what it means to live a life firmly planted in Christ: “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.”
Why Write Anonymously?
Writing anonymously under the name Believing Thomas frees me to focus on the truth and beauty of Christ, rather than on myself. It allows me to express the ongoing transformation God is working in my heart as He conforms me to His image. The anonymity reflects the reality of my journey—it’s not about who I am now, but about who I am in Christ and who I am becoming through Him.
In this journey, I use every resource God provides, including collaboration with technology, to express the truths He places on my heart. These tools are simply instruments in His hands, helping me articulate the identity of Believing Thomas—the new creation I am in Christ, deeply rooted in Him and growing in grace each day.
For Those Wrestling with Doubt
If you find yourself struggling with questions or longing for proof, you’re not alone. Like Thomas, Jesus invites us to encounter Him in ways that bring peace and certainty. Yet He also calls us to trust Him even when we cannot see. “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29).
This blog is for those moments of doubt, longing, and growth. It’s a space to reflect on faith, grace, and the joy of walking daily with Jesus. Through these posts, my prayer is that you will encounter Him in fresh and personal ways, discovering that His peace, love, and joy are already yours in Him.
Fix your eyes on Him, and let’s walk this journey together.
With grace,
Believing Thomas
Contact: believingthomastoo@gmail.com