Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 21: The Who of counseling

The following post contains some highlights from the twenty first lecture in the Solomon Lecture Series, presented by Dr. Lewis Gregory. The entire lecture series is available, here, at Grace Fellowship International.

-       Dr. Gregory defines counseling as giving God’s advice for people’s problems from God’s Word.

-       Dr. Gregory says that we have to stop trying to resurrect the dead and start living in resurrection life. The past is none of your business, so forget it!

-       Christ must be preeminent in our counseling. We have Christ as our wisdom.

-       As a counselor, Christ provides what you need at the time you need it. No need to get anxious about doing the counseling. That doesn’t mean you don’t prepare.

-       As a counselor, “When God gives you something to say, just say it.” You have the mind of Christ. God’s thoughts are now your thoughts in Christ. He will help us to distinguish His voice.

-       If you come to an impasse in counseling, ask God for specific wisdom.

-       The source of our sufficiency is God. We are “able-bodied” counselors, enabled by the Lord.

-       Your counsel is not in vain in the Lord.

-       See yourself as God sees you, as He has made you a new creation. It is not a covering. It is a true, real change that has occurred.

-       You do not need to be “closer” to God as you are already completely one with Him. His presence indwells you now.

-       When you’re filled with God’s pure, undiluted light, you see all things clearly.

-       Our steps are ordered by the Lord.

-       List all of the positive qualities of Christ that you would like to see in yourself, and then realize that they are true about you now. For example, Christ is bold and compassionate so you are bold and compassionate in Christ.

-       The fleshly garbage of the outer man is not you in Christ. That is old and has passed away. Reject the lie. I have been crucified with Christ. You are not a “dirty, rotten sinner” when you sin. You are a new creation in Christ. Let God be Himself in and through you.

-       As He is, so are you in this world.

-       Galatians 2:20 is your testimony, because it is true and has already happened. 

-       You have been conformed to the image of Christ so that your life may be transformed to manifest that image so that others can see Jesus in you.


Solomon Lecture Series, lecture 22: A survey of Romans 6-7


Solomon Lecture Series: Lecture 20: The nature of the exchange