The Love That Spends Itself

“Feed My sheep.” — John 21:17

Oswald Chambers reminds us that the love of God is not something we manufacture—it is His very nature. When the Holy Spirit indwells us, He unites us with God, and His love finds expression through us. But this love is not meant to be stored up; it is meant to be poured out. Jesus’ oneness with the Father led Him to be sent for us, and in the same way, He sends us—not merely to speak of love but to live it by caring for His sheep.

Peter, after his failure, is not invited to dwell in regret but to walk in the love Christ had for him—by loving others. Jesus does not ask him to prove his devotion through words or emotions but through action: “Feed My sheep.” This call is not selective; it does not allow us to choose only the easy, agreeable sheep. Some are difficult. Some are messy. Some wander away. Yet divine love does not tire, nor does it depend on our preferences. It is a love that spends itself.

We must beware of replacing God’s love with mere human sympathy. Natural affection, however well-intentioned, is limited. It can become selective, conditional, even weary. But God’s love knows no exhaustion. It flows through us when we remain yielded, drawing from Christ rather than our own resources. It is not about our temperament or strength but about Christ living His life through us.

If we are truly one with Christ, we will not hesitate when He calls us to love those He places in our path. Love is not an abstract ideal—it is the living reality of Christ in us, moving outward to feed His sheep.

A Reflection on Readiness

  1. When has God called you to care for someone you found difficult to love?

  2. Are you operating in human sympathy or allowing God’s love to flow through you?

  3. What would it look like to “feed His sheep” today?

A Prayer of Confidence

Father, You have poured Your love into my heart through the Holy Spirit. I rest in the truth that Your love never wearies and never fails. You have placed people in my life, not for me to love in my own strength, but for Your love to be made manifest through me. I trust You to live through me, to guide my actions, and to feed Your sheep as You desire. Thank You for making me one with You in Christ and for calling me to share in the outflow of Your love. May my life be spent in joyful obedience to Your perfect will. Amen.

📸 Photo Credit: Unsplash
📝 Devotional Credit: Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest


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