Sent in His Power
Inspired by Day by Day by Grace – Bob Hoekstra
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You have sent me, just as You sent Jesus—and how that humbles me. But I praise You that this calling isn’t mine to accomplish in my own strength. It’s Yours to fulfill through me. Jesus walked this earth in the power of Your Spirit, proclaiming good news, healing the broken, and setting captives free. And now, by that same Spirit, You send me—not as one striving, but as one abiding, resting in the work You are already doing.
For years, I carried ministry like a weight on my shoulders, as if it all depended on me. But You have opened my eyes to a beautiful reality—Jesus was never burdened by self-effort. He simply walked in the Spirit, fully dependent, never rushing ahead or trying to manufacture results. That same Spirit dwells within me, and I don’t have to strain to make truth known or love the brokenhearted. I need only yield to the One who does these things through me. Thank You for making this clear to me.
The world is full of hurting souls—bound by fear, addiction, and lies. I know, because I was once among them. But freedom doesn’t come from my words or my best attempts—it comes from Your truth, spoken in the power of the Spirit. You have already made the way, already opened the prison doors. The captives only need to step into the freedom You purchased with Your blood. Lord, awaken hearts to see and believe.
I don’t want to wait for some “better” time or season to walk in all You’ve given me. This is the acceptable time. The age of grace is now. And I lack nothing in Christ. So today, I trust You. I rest in You. Live Your life through me.
Amen, Lord Jesus!