Born to Grow
"Feed the flock of God which is among you." (1 Peter 5:2)
It is a tragedy when a child is abandoned and left to fend for themselves. Yet, how often does this happen in the spiritual realm? Many new believers are brought into the faith only to be left without guidance, nourishment, or care. They are spiritual infants, in need of growth, yet many are left to wander without discipleship.
Peter’s words remind us that the Christian life is not just about being saved; it is about being nurtured, strengthened, and conformed to the image of Christ. Salvation is not the end goal—it is the beginning of a life where Christ is formed in us. As J.B. Stoney rightly said, “The greatest proof of your love for Christ is that you care for those who belong to Him; ‘if you love Me, feed My sheep.’”
A newly planted garden is not left to itself after the seeds take root. It requires tending, watering, and protection from the elements. Likewise, believers are not meant to remain in spiritual infancy but to be rooted, built up, and established in Christ (Col. 2:7). The purpose of our calling is not merely personal salvation, but transformation—so that we may reflect His glory and be living testimonies to others. “But ye are… that ye should” (1 Pet. 2:9)—chosen for the purpose of making His life visible.
And how do we nurture others? Not by lording over them or demanding their growth, but by example. Peter exhorts us not to rule over God’s heritage, but to shepherd the flock by being living demonstrations of the life of Christ (1 Pet. 5:3). This is not a burden of self-effort but a privilege of allowing Christ to live His life through us. The Christian life is not simply a converted life or even a consecrated life—it is Christ Himself expressing His nature through His people.
May we embrace this calling with joy, knowing that Christ in us is more than sufficient to guide, nurture, and strengthen those entrusted to our care.
Prayer of Confidence
Father, we thank You for calling us into Your marvelous light and making us part of Your royal priesthood. You have already given us everything needed for life and godliness, and we trust in Your sufficiency to establish us and those we disciple. May Your life in us overflow as a living example to others, that they may be rooted and built up in You. We rest in Your perfect work, confident that You will complete what You have begun in each of us. Amen.
📸 Photo Credit: Unsplash
✍️ Devotional Credit: Abide Above