Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 9: Overcoming hindrances
The following post contains some highlights from the ninth lecture in the Solomon Lecture Series, presented by Dr. Charles Solomon. The entire lecture series is available, here, at Grace Fellowship International.
Dr. Solomon points out that not until there is a demand is the supply appreciated. A client must be in the position of need in order for them to be open to our message. In order to find that need, we need to listen to the client first, and make certain we don’t move right in to teaching. Although the first interview is fairly well structured, on sessions to follow, don’t have a set agenda … be open. Dr. Solomon points out that it’s the Holy Spirit’s ministry, not yours.
The following are hindrances to the counseling process:
1) Unbelief or lack of faith. Sometimes people need to “travel on our faith” for part of the counseling journey.
2) A lack of brokenness. This is a refusal to suffer. Brokenness and suffering are essential to coming to the cross. The client needs to come to the end of themselves. Dr. Solomon makes an interesting comment regarding the suicidal client. He says to tell them that they can “die” and stay here, that is, they can die at the cross and continue to live their life on earth. Dr. Solomon states that the problem is always the flesh and the answer is always the cross. But clients need help during that first session. We are to let people see the line diagram before they leave and let them know where we are going in order to give them that hope.
3) Control. The goal is to have the client learn their fleshly identity and influence them to let go of their control of it.
4) Shades of the past (e.g., failures). Dr. Solomon points out that a successful life-long ministry could be carried out using the strength of the flesh.
5) Misunderstanding. See what the client understands regarding total surrender and appropriation of the exchanged life … not just intellectually, but did they experience true change in which the Holy Spirit was involved.
6) Fear of the future.
7) Not regenerated.
8) Not surrendered.
9) Unconfessed sin.
10) Critical or unforgiving spirit.
11) Must have a conviction of the flesh if they are going to be saved from themselves.
12) Institutionalized/psychologized thinking (psychological junkies)
13) Refusal to break sinful alliances (e.g. affairs or live ins).
14) Perceived rejection by God.
15) Betrayal.
16) People think they must have an emotional experience.
17) Unknown.
18) Refusal to study. No need to spend time with them if they don’t want to put in the effort.
19) Lack of Prayer.