Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 8: The control issue

The following post contains some highlights from the eighth lecture in the Solomon Lecture Series, presented by Dr. Lewis Gregory. The entire lecture series is available, here, at Grace Fellowship International.

I believe that the key verse in this lecture can be found in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 where Paul writes, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price.” Consequently, Dr. Gregory states that you do not have the right to assume control over your life … that is God’s responsibility. The following notes are written from the perspective of advice you can give to the client.

Dr. Gregory points out that we are into self-preservation, that is, we are continually trying to keep our body and soul together. We are trying to survive. But, the Scriptures reassure us that we are more than conquerors in Christ, not just survivors. 

Control offers benefits and responsibilities. We are concerned about the benefits and privileges of being in control of our lives but not particularly concerned about the responsibilities. 

Dr. Gregory emphasizes that which controls (or influences) the will controls the person.

Being in control is being the one in charge and being the one making the decisions. Who has the right of being in control? God alone has that right, since he made you, and you belong to Him. The Lord is the decision-maker, and you need to yield to Him. In Philippians 2:13 we learn that, for the submitted believer, God causes us to want what He wants and causes us to do what He wants us to do.

Control allows a person to have his own way and get what he wants. Control leads to manipulation where you try to get things to work out the way you want. It allows us the ability to control our environment, at least temporarily. Eventually that which gives you control takes control. In Psalm 26:2, we ask God to examine us to see who has the reins of our life. Dr. Gregory says that we should let God take the reins to guide us through life in His way and His time, according to His purposes. Matthew 9:13 shows that if you think you know what you’re doing, then you will not relinquish control to God. In Psalm 72:12 we learn that God will rescue you when you come to the realization that you are needy and can’t control your life. When you are in control, you will experience failure and defeat … broken lives and homes.

The problem is that no one wants to die to their independent will. James 4:7 demonstrates that you need to submit your will to the will of the Lord … be willing to come under His authority. You have to say “yes” in advance to God’s will. You must place your faith in His faithfulness. If you can’t say yes to God’s will, ask God what the “blockage” or “hang-up” is. Ask God to make you willing to accept His will. If you won’t say yes to God’s will, you are in rebellion, resisting God’s grace, and robbing God of His rightful place in your life. Romans 6:13 shows us that you must allow the Lord to do what is needed in you. Let Him mold you and make you. Let Him break the shell of the false “self” or false identity off of you. He is the Master, and you are the servant. Give your mind, will, emotions, and body to God to allow Him to have His way with you. Allow Him to make transformational changes, resulting in what God wants you to be in your daily walk with Him. You give your life to God, and He gives His life to you. When He has you, you get to enjoy Him. Dr. Gregory says it’s no longer a “duty thing”. As Jesus said, you’re no longer servants, but friends. So instead of losing, you’ve gained all.


Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 9: Overcoming hindrances


Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 7B: Distinctives of Spirituotherapy