Leave Room for God: The Expectant Life

Inspired by Oswald Chambers’ “My Utmost for His Highest

"But when it pleased God..."
Galatians 1:15

Imagine you are setting the table for an important dinner guest. The table is carefully arranged, every dish chosen to perfection, the seating chart meticulously planned. But then, unexpectedly, your guest arrives with their own additions—a basket of bread, a dish of olives, and a jug of wine. Suddenly, your plans feel a bit out of place. You hadn’t prepared for this, and yet their contribution transforms the meal into something far richer than you had planned.

This is a picture of how God desires to work in our lives. We can plan, prepare, and predict, but God often comes in ways we don’t expect, carrying His own plans that far exceed ours. The key is leaving room for Him—living in a posture of expectancy, trusting His timing and His ways, even when they disrupt our neatly set table.

God’s Surprising Breakthroughs

Oswald Chambers reminds us that God delights in breaking into our lives when we least expect it. Whether it’s in a moment of stillness, a change of plans, or even an interruption, God’s “elbow room” often leads to the most significant growth and transformation.

Paul’s conversion is a prime example of this. On the road to Damascus, Paul wasn’t searching for God, but God broke into his life with surprising power. Paul later reflects, “But when it pleased God…” (Galatians 1:15). It wasn’t Paul’s timing; it was God’s. And the result was a life utterly transformed for His glory.

Living Expectantly

We often want to predict how God will work—through specific prayers, circumstances, or plans. But Chambers challenges us to focus not on how God will come, but simply to expect Him to come. The life of faith is not about boxing God into our expectations but about remaining open to His movement, even when it surprises us.

This openness requires staying in constant contact with God, cultivating a deep relationship with Him so that when He moves, we recognize it and respond with joy. Like a gardener watching for the first signs of growth after planting seeds, we remain watchful, trusting that God will bring life in His time and way.

A Prayer of Trust and Expectancy

You are the God who works in ways beyond what we can plan or imagine. We rest in the truth that You are always present, always at work, and Your timing is perfect. Thank You for the assurance that Your plans are far greater than ours. May we live with hearts open to Your surprises, hands ready to receive Your gifts, and eyes fixed on You. Thank You for giving us everything we need in Christ, and for the confidence that You will continue to work in and through us for Your glory. Amen.

Final Thought

God doesn’t always fit into our plans, but His interruptions are never accidental. Leave room for Him to work as He pleases, and watch how His unexpected movements enrich your life beyond what you could ever anticipate. Stay expectant, stay open, and let Him rearrange your table for His glory.


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