Holding Fast While Moving Forward

"but test all things. Hold fast to what is good."1 Thessalonians 5:21 BSB

A. B. Simpson, in Days of Heaven, reminds us that our spiritual journey is not about perpetually starting over but building upon the truths God has already revealed to us. Imagine a gardener planting a tree. The gardener doesn’t uproot the tree every season to reexamine the soil but instead nurtures it, trusting the foundation while remaining attentive to its growth.

Similarly, our spiritual lives thrive when we test new insights and experiences against God’s Word but remain rooted in the foundational truths He has planted in us. If we keep discarding what we’ve learned, we risk becoming perpetual starters, never allowing our spiritual lives to grow into the maturity God intends.

Testing everything doesn’t mean doubting everything. Instead, it’s the ongoing discernment of truth, ensuring that the new builds upon what is good and proven, not replacing it. Growth in Christ is not about abandoning the old but expanding upon it. As Paul writes, we are to “walk by the same rule” where progress has been made, allowing God to strengthen our understanding and deepen our faith.

Walking Forward with Confidence

As we hold fast to what is good, God provides us with the stability to weather uncertainties. Like the tree planted by streams of water (Psalm 1:3), we don’t abandon our roots; we grow upward and outward, thriving as we trust Him to guide us.

A Prayer of Trust

Thank You for the foundation of truth You’ve established in our lives through Your Word and Spirit. We trust You to expand and deepen our understanding while remaining firmly rooted in the truths we’ve already received. You are the Gardener who nurtures our growth, and we are grateful for Your care. May we discern what is good, holding fast to it, and walk confidently in the path You’ve set before us. In Christ, we rest. Amen.

Final Thought

God’s truth is a solid foundation, and His guidance ensures growth. As you walk forward in your faith, test everything in the light of Scripture, hold fast to what is good, and trust Him to build on the work He has already begun in you.


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