Arising in Trust: The Next Step in God's Strength
Devotional Reflection on 1 Kings 19:5
By Oswald Chambers – My Utmost for His Highest
Elijah, weary and worn, lay under the broom tree, swallowed by exhaustion and despair. But God’s response was not a vision, a rebuke, or an elaborate revelation—He simply sent an angel with a meal and told Elijah to arise and eat. God’s provision was already there; Elijah only needed to receive it.
How often do we, in moments of discouragement, seek something dramatic to lift us—some grand experience, a deep revelation, or a change in circumstances? And yet, God’s way is often simpler. He calls us to trust Him in the ordinary, to take the next step before us, knowing that He is present in it. Depression or weariness may tempt us to withdraw, but the Spirit invites us to move forward—not striving to escape our feelings, but simply responding to the life He has already given us.
A traveler lost in the wilderness does not need to see the entire path ahead to take the next step. It is in walking, step by step, that he moves out of the shadows into the light. So it is with us. God has already provided all we need in Christ. As we trust and obey, we find that His sufficiency meets us in the very act of stepping forward.
Instead of waiting for a change in circumstances or feelings, take the next step of faith God has placed before you.
Recognize that God is present in the ordinary moments of life—whether eating, working, or resting.
Trust that His provision is already given; our role is simply to receive and walk in it.
Father, You have given us all we need in Christ. In moments of weariness, we rest in Your perfect provision. We trust You as we take the next step, knowing that You are already there. Thank You for Your presence in the simple and the ordinary, and for leading us forward in Your strength and grace. Amen.
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