Highlights from Dr. Charles Solomon’s book, “Discipling the Desperate”
Here are some highlights from Dr. Charles Solomon’s book entitled, “Discipling the Desperate: The Spirit’s Ministry to Hurting Believers.” The book can be ordered here from Grace Fellowship International.
Dr. Solomon believes that although we define our ministry as counseling, it should actually be called clinical discipleship.[1] Dr. Solomon starts out by stating that “The Church’s dependence upon programs, and lack of emphasis on discipleship, resulted in mass referrals to those trained in psychology.”[2] He goes on to write that, “Whereas discipleship has been treated as optional, I believe it must now be the primary emphasis of the Church.”[3] He thinks that “Since the crucified life is also lacking among (church) leadership, it is logical that they make evangelism and missions the major thrusts – ministering in their comfort zones.”[4] He concludes that “A return to preaching the cross for the believer will result in God’s power being manifested in the Church, with a renewed emphasis on sanctification by faith and, hopefully, a new Reformation! When discipleship is front and center, evangelism will flourish since believers reproduce. The growth of the true Church will be a byproduct.”[5]
Regarding pastoral referrals of believers to the world for their counseling needs, Dr. Solomon states that, “In my opinion, buttressed by thousands of lives transformed by the Holy Spirit, we have ceded our birthright to the world system which treats symptoms, but is blissfully ignorant of the problem (self or flesh).”[6] He believes that the solutions to the problem (self or flesh) can be found at the Cross of Christ. He states that “It is the preaching of the Cross, the power of God (1 Corinthians 1:18), which is at once so vital and, at the same time, so little emphasized in the ministry of the Church in recent decades.”[7]
Dr. Solomon likes to point out in his writings that the supply of something can only be appreciated when there is a demand. He states, “This type of counseling requires desperation; merely being uncomfortable does not usually drive one to lose his life in order to save it (Luke 9:24).”[8]
He also states that, “Though all believers have been crucified with Christ (Romans 6:6), a small minority have reckoned it to be true in their experience (Romans 6:11).”[9] He believes that “a new Reformation, with the theme of sanctification by faith, will restore power and authority to the Church.”[10]
The majority of Dr. Solomon’s book contains brief synopses of various cases that he has dealt with personally throughout his counseling ministry. He writes, “It is my prayer that those who would do Christ-centered, cross-centered, counseling or discipleship will glean from the following cases an understanding of what the Holy Spirit can be expected to do in lives as a result of sharing the message of the Cross.”[11]
After the presentation of his cases, he presents finshing remarks. Here are some highlights from the concluding chapters:
“Sinners need to hear that Christ died for them; saints need to hear that they died with Him and were resurrected to walk in victory – not a continuation of their defeat."[12]
“The spiritual ministry advocated herein could be termed discipleship for the desperate and was tailored for such a population from the beginning.”[13]
“All churches are comprised of members, many of whose deepest needs are unmet, though they are doing, and not doing, in order to be ‘good’ Christians. The order should be reversed – ‘being in order to do’! The latter means that they must lose their lives, if they are to live in Christ rather than in their own strength and wisdom.”[14]
[1] Charles R. Solomon, Ed.D., Discipling the Desperate: The Spirit’s Ministry to Hurting Believers (Pigeon Forge: Grace Fellowship International, 2010), 10.
[2] 10.
[3] 10.
[4] 11.
[5] 11.
[6] 13.
[7] 15.
[8] 16.
[9] 16.
[10] 17.
[11] 19.
[12] 76.
[13] 80.
[14] 81.