Peering Behind the Curtain: Fixing Our Eyes on the Cross

No need to peer behind the curtain—God’s love is fully revealed at the cross.

Insights from In Christ by E. Stanley Jones

In this devotional, Jones warns against diverting our attention from the cross of Christ to lesser things—whether astrology, spiritualism, or attempts to unravel the mysteries of the afterlife. These pursuits may seem intriguing, even religious, but they substitute speculation for revelation. The cross stands as God’s supreme and final declaration of His love. Nothing in heaven or earth can reveal a deeper truth than the love displayed at Calvary.

He points to Luke 9:30-31, where Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus. Their focus? The cross. Even from the other side of eternity, they spoke of His departure—His redemptive work at Jerusalem. This alone should settle the matter: if the saints of old, with a full view of the unseen, found no greater subject than the cross, why should we seek beyond it?

The enemy does not mind religion, so long as it diverts our attention from Christ crucified. If he can preoccupy us with the mystical, the marginal, the speculative, he will gladly do so—if only to shift our gaze from what God has purposely revealed. But the cross remains central. It is through the torn veil of Christ’s flesh that we see the very heart of God.

Personal Journal Reflection

Father, how grateful I am that You have left no mysteries about Your love. You have not hidden Yourself behind veils of secrecy, requiring special insight or esoteric knowledge to understand You. Instead, You have spoken with finality at the cross. There, in the broken body of Your Son, I see Your heart laid bare—love immeasurable, mercy unstoppable, grace unrelenting. Why would I ever look elsewhere?

I see how easily the world seeks the mystical, the unknown. The desire to "peer behind the curtain" is nothing new—Eve was tempted by it in the garden. The enemy whispers, "There is more to know," enticing us to chase what You have deliberately left unrevealed. But what could be greater than what You have already made known? The cross is not a puzzle to solve but a proclamation to embrace.

Jesus, I rest in the open vision of Your redeeming love. I do not need to search the stars for direction, nor do I need to pry into the afterlife for assurance. My future is secured, not in secret knowledge, but in the blood You shed. My past is settled, not by cosmic alignments, but by the weight of Your sacrifice. My present is anchored, not in speculation, but in the certainty that I am held in Your unwavering love.

Let my heart be fixed on what is eternal. The cross does not compete with the marginal; it eclipses it. The more I gaze upon it, the less I am drawn to distractions. The more I abide in its truth, the less I am swayed by curiosity. Thank You, Lord, that I need not seek for mysteries, for I have been given the greatest revelation of all—You.


Father, I rejoice in the full revelation of Your love at the cross. I trust in what You have made known and rest in the sufficiency of Christ’s finished work. My heart is settled in the certainty of Your redeeming grace. Thank You for removing every veil, drawing me near in perfect love. In Christ, I am secure. In Christ, I have all I need. Amen.

Devotional Credit: In Christ by E. Stanley Jones
Photo Credit: Unsplash

Intent of Image:
A sunrise breaking through a heavy mist, symbolizing the lifting of the veil and the clarity of Christ’s revelation.


Additional Thoughts on Peering Behind the Curtain: Fixing Our Eyes on the Cross


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