Additional Thoughts on Peering Behind the Curtain: Fixing Our Eyes on the Cross
"Many signs, many directions—but only one central truth: the cross of Christ remains the ultimate revelation of God’s love."
As a follow on study to today’s devotional from E. Stanley Jones, let’s explore how Jones’ teaching applies to those of us who are fascinated with the mysteries of the Nephilim, the mysteries of timing of Jesus' return and timing of the tribulation and rapture, and the like. It is an excellent side issue to pursue because it strikes at something many believers, especially in our time, are drawn toward. There is a natural human curiosity about the mysteries of Scripture—the Nephilim, end-times prophecy, the timing of Christ’s return, and the details of the tribulation and rapture. These topics stir the imagination, and rightly so; they are part of God’s Word, and He has chosen to reveal them to us in part.
However, the principle from Peering Behind the Curtain by Jones challenges us to ask: Where is my focus? Is my pursuit of these mysteries leading me deeper into intimacy with Christ and a greater appreciation of the cross, or is it subtly shifting my eyes toward speculation? Does it cause my heart to rest in the finished work of Christ, or does it keep me searching for answers beyond what God has revealed?
We must remember what Jesus said to His disciples when they asked about the timing of the kingdom’s restoration:
“It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.” (Acts 1:7)
Rather than giving them an eschatological timeline, He directed them to what mattered most—walking in the power of the Holy Spirit and being His witnesses. The same principle applies today. If our study of prophecy and biblical mysteries draws us into deeper trust in Christ, praise God! But if it leads us to an anxious pursuit of knowledge, consuming our attention with details that God has chosen to keep veiled, we may be falling into the very distraction Jones warns about.
When Jesus spoke of the last days, He didn’t urge His disciples to unravel every mystery—He urged them to watch and be ready (Matthew 24:42). Readiness is not found in precise knowledge of dates or prophetic charts but in abiding in Him. The most important preparation for His return is not understanding the exact timeline but living in the reality of His indwelling life now. The certainty of Christ’s return is far more important than the specifics of its timing.
As for the Nephilim and other biblical mysteries, they have their place in study, but they must never overshadow the central message of Scripture: Christ crucified and risen. Paul told the Corinthians:
“For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” (1 Corinthians 2:2)
That doesn’t mean he ignored prophecy or biblical mysteries—he wrote extensively on both! But it does mean that his focus remained on the life-changing power of the cross.
So the question for us is:
Are these mysteries leading me deeper into trust in Christ?
Or am I being subtly distracted, shifting my gaze from the cross to speculation?
Jesus is not waiting for us to piece together the puzzle of the end times before He can return. He is simply calling us to abide in Him, trust Him, and let our lives be a testimony to His redeeming love. That’s the real preparation for what’s to come.