The Undeviating Question
📖 “Lovest thou Me?” — John 21:17
Oswald Chambers confronts us with a question that Jesus asked Peter—a question that bypasses sentiment and cuts straight to the heart. Peter, once bold in professing his devotion, now stands stripped of all bravado. Before, he had declared, “Though all may fall away, I will not” (Matthew 26:33), but now, after his denial of Christ, there is no more boasting. Jesus’ question does not seek a confident declaration but a revelation of true love—love that is not rooted in the natural self but in the Spirit.
The Word of God has a way of exposing us. It does not merely correct behavior; it pierces to the very core of who we are, revealing every false security and illusion we have about ourselves. This is why Jesus’ question stings. It is not just a test; it is a refining fire, burning away self-assurance until only dependence on Him remains.
The difference between natural love and Christ-centered love is like the difference between a candle and the morning sun. A candle flickers, offering a limited glow, easily extinguished by the winds of trial. The morning sun, however, rises with unwavering strength, dispelling darkness entirely. Peter had once loved Jesus as a flickering candle—warm, sincere, but vulnerable. Now, after being broken and restored, his love would become like the dawn—rising from the depths of God’s own sustaining power.
Jesus does not ask us for grand declarations. He asks for love that endures, love that abides. His question still reaches us today: Do you love Me? Not in words alone, but in every step we take, every choice we make, every moment we yield to His life within us.
Prayer of Confidence in Christ
Lord, You have searched us and known us. Nothing is hidden from Your gaze. Your Word is sharper than any sword, dividing soul and spirit, revealing what is truly within us. We rest in the knowledge that Your work in us is complete, that You have given us a love that does not waver, for it is Your own love poured into our hearts. We trust You to continue shaping us, not by our striving, but by Your life within. Thank You for the refining touch of Your truth. Thank You for calling us to love You with a love that is steadfast because it is drawn from You. In every moment, we abide in the certainty that You sustain what You have begun in us. Amen.
📸 Photo Credit: Unsplash
📖 Devotional Source: My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers