The Determination to Serve

📖 "The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister." — Matthew 20:28

A Life Poured Out

The call to serve is not a call to elevate ourselves above others, but to descend into the very heart of Christ’s humility. Jesus, though Lord of all, chose the path of a servant—washing the feet of His disciples, bearing our burdens, and ultimately laying down His life. Paul understood this well. His service was not driven by human approval or recognition but by an unshakable love for Christ.

If our motivation is merely love for people, we will quickly become discouraged. People may misunderstand us, disregard our efforts, or even respond with hostility. But when our service flows from Christ’s life within, we will not be shaken by ingratitude or opposition. Paul did not serve because people deserved it—he served because he himself had been undeservedly loved by Christ.

To be a servant in Christ’s name is not to be a doormat but to be a vessel—poured out, emptied of self, and filled with the life of God. The world may not always acknowledge it, but heaven does. True service is not about receiving gratitude from men but about reflecting the One who first loved and served us.

A Picture of Service

A wick submerged in oil burns brightly without being consumed. If the wick tries to burn on its own, it will quickly smolder and be snuffed out. But when it remains soaked in oil, the flame can continue undeterred. So it is with us. If we serve in our own strength, we will burn out. But when we draw from Christ’s life, our service flows effortlessly from His sufficiency, not our own.

Reflection Questions

  • What drives your service—human recognition or love for Christ?

  • Are you drawing from your own effort, or are you resting in Christ’s life within you?

  • How does Jesus' example reshape your view of serving others?

Prayer of Confidence

Father, thank You for calling us into the service of Your Son. We rest in the sufficiency of Christ’s life within, knowing that He works through us. No opposition, ingratitude, or hardship can deter us because our service is unto You. As we yield to You, may Your love flow freely through our lives, touching those around us. We trust You to continue this work through us, just as You have already prepared it. Amen.

📸 Photo Credit: Unsplash

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