The Covenant of Grace: A New Way to Live
Insights from Day by Day By Grace
“The LORD gave me the two tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant… For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ… This cup is the new covenant in My blood.”
— Deuteronomy 9:11; John 1:17; Luke 22:20
Imagine a vineyard on a hillside, its rows of vines perfectly aligned. Under the Old Covenant, God’s law served as the trellis—a rigid structure outlining the standard of holiness, love, and godly character. It was immovable, revealing the way God desired His people to grow. Yet, the trellis itself couldn’t produce fruit. No matter how sturdy or well-placed, it was powerless to bring forth the life that would yield a bountiful harvest.
Enter the New Covenant, established through the blood of Jesus. Grace is the vine-dresser, cultivating the life within the branches, pruning and nourishing them to bring forth the fruit of the Spirit. The law remains the trellis, a standard of God’s character and desires, but grace is the life-giving power that enables us to grow, flourish, and bear fruit.
The law shows us what holiness looks like. Grace provides the means to live in that holiness. The law reveals our inability to meet God’s perfect standard. Grace offers forgiveness and transforms us into those who can walk in His ways. The law demands righteousness. Grace supplies it.
Under the Old Covenant, the weight of performance fell squarely on humanity’s shoulders. The New Covenant shifts the burden to Christ, who carried it to the cross and rose again, granting us His life to live through us. As we abide in Him, like branches abiding in the vine, grace flows freely, accomplishing what the law could only define.
Living in Grace
Living under the New Covenant means resting in what Christ has already accomplished and drawing from His abundant provision. Holiness, love, and Christlike character are no longer goals we strive to achieve by our own effort. They are fruits of grace—produced in us as we yield to His Spirit.
Just as a branch doesn’t strain to bear fruit but simply abides in the vine, our role is to stay connected to Jesus, trusting Him to nurture, grow, and transform us.
A Prayer of Confidence
Thank You for the gift of Your grace in the New Covenant. I rest in the finished work of Jesus, trusting that You have given me all I need for life and godliness. Your grace enables me to live in the holiness, love, and character You desire. Thank You for reproducing Your life in me. I rejoice that I am no longer under the weight of the law but am alive in Christ, guided and empowered by Your Spirit. May I abide in You today and every day, confident in Your provision. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Final Thought
The law reveals God’s standard, but grace empowers us to live it. As we walk in the New Covenant, we are no longer striving to meet the demands of the trellis. Instead, we are abiding in the vine, where grace flows freely, producing a harvest for the glory of God.