The Call to Watchfulness: Living in Expectation of Christ’s Return

In a recent reflection from J.B. Simpson’s Days of Heaven on Earth, we’re confronted with a poignant story of missed opportunity. A young woman, sustained and cared for by a benefactor she had never met, fails to wait for his return. Distracted by fleeting pleasures, she misses the long-awaited moment to meet the one who had given so much for her. Her lapse of focus leads to a life of loss, despite the years of provision and love she had received.

This story beautifully parallels the call Jesus gives to His followers: “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming” (Matthew 24:42). Like the young woman in the story, we are beneficiaries of grace, sustained and cared for by a Savior we have not yet seen face to face. Yet He promises to return, and the question before us is this: Are we living in anticipation of that moment, or are we distracted by the fleeting pleasures and cares of the world?

The Expectation of Christ’s Return

Jesus’ command to "watch" is not a mere suggestion—it’s a posture of the heart that reflects our trust in His promise. In Matthew 26:40, during His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus rebukes His disciples: “Could you not watch with Me one hour?” Their inability to stay alert mirrors the spiritual slumber that often creeps into our lives.

But what does it mean to “watch”? It’s more than standing idly by or obsessively trying to calculate the timing of His return. Watchfulness is an active state of readiness, a heart tuned to His voice and a life oriented around His kingdom. It’s about living each day as though we might meet Him face to face before the sun sets.

The Cost of Distraction

The young woman in Simpson’s story illustrates the danger of distraction. She wasn’t indulging in blatant rebellion—she simply allowed other priorities to take precedence. Similarly, our distractions often seem harmless. They come in the form of busyness, entertainment, or even noble pursuits that subtly displace our focus on Christ.

Yet Jesus warns of the consequences of being unprepared: “But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying his coming,’ and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards, the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him” (Matthew 24:48-50).

The cost of distraction isn’t just missed opportunities—it’s the erosion of our intimacy with Christ. Like the young woman who lost her benefactor’s provision, we risk spiritual poverty when we prioritize the temporal over the eternal.

The Joy of Watchfulness

While Jesus’ call to watchfulness carries a sobering urgency, it’s also an invitation to joy. To live in expectation of His return is to live with a sense of purpose and hope. It transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary, as every act of faithfulness becomes an offering of love for the One who is coming back for us.

Consider the words of Paul in Philippians 3:20-21:
"For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body.”

Our watchfulness is not in vain. We are waiting for the One who has already secured our redemption and is preparing a place for us.

Practical Ways to Watch

How do we cultivate a watchful heart in the midst of life’s demands and distractions?

  1. Daily Surrender: Begin each day by offering your heart, plans, and priorities to the Lord. Choose to keep your focus on Him and His purposes.

  2. Abide in His Word: Regularly immerse yourself in Scripture to remind yourself of His promises and to align your heart with His.

  3. Live with Purpose: View your work, relationships, and responsibilities as chances to glorify Christ and demonstrate His love. Embrace His incredible grace by allowing Him to live His life in and through you, moment by moment.

  4. Anticipate His Return: Remind yourself daily that this world is not your home. Let the promise of His return shape your decisions and values.

Are We Ready?

J.B. Simpson’s devotional asks a sobering question: If Jesus came today, would He find us ready? It’s not about perfection but about posture—a heart that is watching, waiting, and longing for Him.

The young woman’s story serves as a warning and a call to action. Let us not be found absorbed in the trivial or the temporary. Instead, may we be like the wise virgins in Matthew 25:4, whose lamps were full and ready when the bridegroom arrived.

A Prayer for Watchfulness

Lord Jesus, You have promised to return, and we long for that day when we will see You face to face. We praise You for keeping our hearts tuned to Your voice and our lives oriented around Your kingdom. Thank you for teaching us to live each day with expectancy, not distracted by fleeting pleasures but devoted to Your purposes. May our faithfulness bring You glory as we eagerly await Your return. In Your name we give thanks and praise. Amen.


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