The Bride’s Preparation: A Life of Fellowship and Service
"Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him the glory. For the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready." — Revelation 19:7 BSB
As we prepare for the return of our Lord, there’s a tendency to turn inward, to focus solely on our own hearts and spiritual state. While introspection has its place, preparation for the marriage of the Lamb is not a retreat into isolation but a call to deeper fellowship with Christ and active engagement in the world He loves.
Imagine a gardener preparing a field for a harvest. The soil must be tilled and fertilized, yet preparation doesn’t stop there. The gardener must also plant, water, and care for the crops daily. In the same way, preparing ourselves as the bride of Christ involves both internal transformation and outward action.
Fellowship with Christ
The first step of preparation is abiding in Christ. This is not a frantic effort but a quiet resting in the cleansing and perfecting work of the Holy Spirit. In this place of fellowship, the distractions of life are silenced, and our hearts are aligned with His. Like a bride who takes time to ready herself for her wedding day, we sit at the feet of Jesus, allowing His love and grace to shape us into His likeness.
Service to Others
But true preparation doesn’t stop at personal holiness. Just as a gardener tends the crops to ensure a fruitful harvest, our preparation must extend to serving others. The love and transformation we receive from Christ naturally overflow into our daily lives, whether through acts of kindness, words of encouragement, or the faithful fulfillment of our responsibilities.
In the parable of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1–13), the wise ones not only kept their lamps filled with oil but were ready for action when the bridegroom arrived. Similarly, our readiness for the Lord involves active participation in His kingdom work.
A Balanced Preparation
There’s a danger in becoming too focused on self-improvement or withdrawing into spiritual seclusion. The Days of Heaven devotional reminds us that preparation for the Lord’s return is not “musty or monkish,” but vibrant and practical. True holiness flourishes both in private prayer and in the midst of daily life.
As we await the return of our Bridegroom, let us balance time at His feet with time spent in His fields. In this balance, we find both fellowship and purpose, living as His radiant bride in a world that needs His light.
A Prayer of Confidence
We rejoice in the truth that You have already given us everything we need for life and godliness. Thank You for making us ready as Your bride through the finished work of Christ and the ongoing presence of Your Spirit. May we rest confidently in Your transforming love as we seek deeper fellowship with You. Let Your life within us overflow into acts of love and service, preparing the world for Your return. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Final Thought
Preparing for the Lord’s return is not a retreat into self-focus but a call to live in the fullness of His grace. Let us abide in Him, reflect His love to others, and rejoice in the hope of His coming. Together, we can live as His bride, ready and waiting, in both the stillness of prayer and the activity of service.