In Christ: The Source and the Sphere

📖 "Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, to all God's holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi..."Philippians 1:1a

The phrase in Christ is more than a theological concept—it is the defining reality of our existence as believers. Paul writes to the saints in Philippi, but their true identity is not found in their city, their nationality, or their earthly status. It is found in Christ. That was their source of life, just as it is ours. They lived in Philippi, but they were sustained in Christ.

This truth holds immense significance for us today. We may reside in Rhode Island, New York, California, or any other place on this earth, but our true life is in Christ. The world may try to shape our thinking, define our worth, or dictate our direction, but none of that changes the reality of who we are in Him. Our citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20), and our lives here are an outflow of that heavenly reality.

Think of a tree planted by a deep underground spring. No matter how harsh the external climate, the tree flourishes because its roots draw from a source that never runs dry. In the same way, our strength, wisdom, joy, and peace do not come from our circumstances but from the indwelling life of Christ. Whether we are in a season of abundance or trial, the source remains the same—Christ in us, the hope of glory (Col. 1:27).

We once lived without Christ—cut off, striving, deceived by the world’s empty promises. But now, we are in Christ, and He is in us. His life is not something we strive to attain but something we yield to, allowing Him to express Himself through us. And one day, we will be with Christ, face to face, forevermore. This is the journey of the believer: from being without Christ, to being in Christ, to living for Christ, to being with Christ.

A Prayer of Confidence

Father, thank You that we are in Christ, fully united with Him, drawing from His life as our constant source. No matter where we are or what we face, we rest in the unshakable reality that our life is hidden with Christ in You. We trust You to express Your life through us today, just as You have promised. Our identity is secure, our purpose is clear, and our future is settled—all because of Christ in us. Amen.

📸 Photo credit: Unsplash
📖 Devotional excerpt from "Immeasurably More"


Anchored in Christ, Not in Circumstances


Waiting in Communion