Hidden with Christ

For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. — Colossians 3:3 BSB

The world often celebrates those who stand in the spotlight, measuring success by visibility and recognition. But the life hidden in Christ takes a different path—one that embraces the quiet work of the Spirit, where Christ alone is magnified.

Some labor in ways that are easily seen, their names attached to great accomplishments. Others labor in ways that are unseen, blending into the larger body of believers, their contribution known fully only to God. Yet, this hidden life is the truest reflection of Christ Himself. He, though the Head of the Church, does not demand center stage. The Holy Spirit moves unseen, empowering, guiding, and sustaining, while the fruit appears on the branches He nourishes.

To walk closely with Christ is to let go of the need for recognition, to find joy in knowing that He sees and that He is the one working through us. There is peace in knowing that our lives are secure in Him, hidden from the need for self-promotion, free from striving for approval. True fulfillment comes when we no longer seek a name for ourselves but rejoice in lifting up His name alone.

Like the roots of a great tree, unseen beneath the earth yet essential to the life above, we can rest in the quiet confidence that God is at work. And that is enough.


Father, thank You for the gift of a life hidden in Christ. You have secured us in Yourself, making our worth and purpose unshakable. May our hearts be content to labor unseen, knowing that every act of love and obedience is known to You. Let Christ be the one who is glorified in all that we do, as we yield ourselves fully to His work. Amen.

📷 Photo Credit: Unsplash
📖 Devotional Credit: Days of Heaven on Earth


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