Grace That Brings Us In

πŸ“– For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace. β€” Romans 6:14 (BSB)

Moses, the great leader of Israel, stood on the threshold of the Promised Land yet could not enter. The law he mediated was perfect in its demands but powerless to produce the righteousness it required. Even one moment of disobedience barred him from his earthly inheritance, demonstrating that under the law, failure brings exclusion. The law, unyielding in its justice, condemns even the smallest misstep.

But what the law could not do, grace has accomplished in Christ. When Moses reappears on the Mount of Transfiguration, he stands in the radiance of Jesus' glory, not by merit, but by grace. The land he could not enter through law, he entered through Christ.

We, too, were once held under the weight of sin, bound by a system that could point out our flaws but never remedy them. Yet, the cross changed everything. Sin no longer has mastery over us, for we have been placed under grace. The inheritance we could never attain through effort is now freely given in Christ. The life we could never perfect in our own strength is now lived by His life within us.

A traveler once carried a heavy pack up a long, winding road. When he reached the top, he found a carriage waiting, sent by the king himself. The burden that once exhausted him was no longer his to bear. So it is with graceβ€”it lifts the load that law could never remove and carries us where we could never go alone.


  • In what ways have you tried to β€œearn” your place with God rather than rest in the sufficiency of Christ?

  • How does knowing you are under grace change the way you approach daily life and struggles?

  • Where in your life do you need to embrace the truth that Christ has already secured your inheritance?


Father, we rejoice in the grace that has brought us into what we could never attain on our own. Thank You that sin is no longer our master, for we are under the perfect provision of Christ. We rest in the fullness of what You have already given, walking not by our efforts but by the life of Your Son within us. Let our lives reflect the beauty of this truth, as we live in the freedom and joy of Your completed work. Amen.

πŸ“Έ Photo credit: Unsplash
πŸ“– Devotional Source: Days of Heaven


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