Spiritual Prosperity: Are You Being Before Doing?

“Service does not come first; neither does life!” At first, that might sound odd, right? It certainly would have to me just a few years ago. But as I’ve searched the Scriptures, a deep truth has emerged: for the believer, the proper sequence is death to the old, from which springs forth newness of life—and then fruitful service (John 12:24; Colossians 1:9-10).

Life arises from death. As Jesus taught, “Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds” (John 12:24). For us, too, life and fruitfulness in Christ follow this divine order.

Reflection: The Temptation to Do Before Being

Jesus understood how easily, in our human frailty, we can get caught up in doing—serving, striving, and pouring ourselves out for others—all the while neglecting the most essential thing: being rooted in Him.

True spiritual prosperity doesn’t come from our efforts or accomplishments. It flows from walking in full dependence on His Spirit. It begins with rest, abiding in Him, and allowing Him to fill us with His life.

Here’s the truth: we cannot accomplish His work through our own strength or initiative. When we try, it often results in frustration and falls short of what He desires. Instead, God delights in seeing His Son at work through us—His Spirit expressing His life and love in and through our surrendered lives.

Remember, it’s not about what we can do; it’s about trusting Him to do His work in us and through us (Galatians 2:20; John 15:4-5). That takes faith—the kind of faith that says, “Lord, I’ll rest in You and let You lead.”

Scriptural Insights: The Secret to True Prosperity

🔑 Here’s the secret: When your soul (mind, will, and emotions) prospers in Him, everything else flows naturally. But when we rely on our own efforts or the fleeting success of service to bring joy, it all collapses under pressure (Philippians 4:13; 2 Corinthians 3:5).

Paul’s prayer in Colossians 1:9-10 gives us a clear picture of spiritual prosperity:

  • Being filled with the knowledge of God’s will through spiritual wisdom and understanding.

  • Walking in a manner worthy of the Lord, pleasing to Him.

  • Bearing fruit in every good work.

  • Growing in the knowledge of God.

This prosperity isn’t about external accomplishments but about an internal flourishing that comes from being rooted in Christ.

Personal Application

Last night, a friend asked me how I keep my focus on Christ. I shared something personal: If I relied on my own strategies for prayer, Bible reading, and service—meticulously planned and executed in my own strength—I’d probably last a few days before burning out. Then, I’d slip into a familiar cycle of distraction, like scrolling endless YouTube rabbit holes or obsessing over news stories. That used to be my pattern.

But when the Lord leads, everything changes. When He draws me into prayer, His Word, or serving others, it’s a joyful pursuit. Instead of draining me, it leaves me energized and filled with His life. My wife often says she has to lovingly "bring me back from the heavenly places to earth" because I get so lost in His presence.

For me, this is the abundant life Jesus promises—a life driven, empowered, initiated, and sustained by Him. He is our Lamb, Lord, Life, Liberator, and Leader.

Selah. Let’s pause on that truth.

Closing Encouragement

📖 Reflect on Colossians 1:9-10 today:

  • Are you letting Christ grow your roots deeper, or are you rushing into service without rest?

  • What does spiritual prosperity look like in your life?

Take heart: Jesus is more interested in growing your being than in what you’re doing. 🌱

👉 Let’s talk about it! Where do you feel the pull between being and doing?

#AbidingInChrist #GraceJourney #SpiritualProsperity


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