Always With Us
📖 “And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” — Matthew 28:20 BSB
We do not follow a distant Savior who left us to navigate life alone. Christ is not merely a historical figure or a future hope—He is the ever-present Lord who lives within us. His promise is not just for the strong moments, the victories, or the peaceful seasons, but for every breath, every step, and every trial. "I am with you always." Not I was or I will be, but I am.
There is a story of a young child learning to walk a balance beam. Each time they wavered, they instinctively reached for their father’s steady hand. The father never removed His presence, but the child had to learn to trust what had always been there. So it is with us. Christ does not come and go—He is not absent when we struggle, nor is He more present when we succeed. He remains, unchanged and unwavering.
The battle of faith is not fought in our own strength but in the quiet confidence that Christ is. In every moment, we rest in His presence, not seeking it as though it were distant, but embracing it as our reality. The victory is not won by striving, but by abiding. And one day, as the final battle fades into eternity, the song on our lips will be "I have overcome through Thee."
Prayer of Confidence
Father, we rejoice in the unshakable reality of Your presence. There is never a moment You are not with us, never a step taken alone. You are the great I AM, our life, our strength, and our peace. We walk in this truth today, resting in Your unceasing nearness, knowing that in You, we are already victorious. Amen.
📷 Photo Credit: Unsplash
📜 Devotional Insight Credit: Days of Heaven