A Heart Ready to Go

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’ He said, ‘Go and tell this people: Be ever hearing, but never understanding; be ever seeing, but never perceiving.’”
Isaiah 6:8-9

When Isaiah stood before the Lord, his response was immediate and wholehearted. He did not hesitate, nor did he look for an excuse. Why? Because he had already encountered the holiness of God, recognized his own unworthiness, and received divine cleansing. The weight of his sin had been lifted. He knew he was forgiven, and from that place of certainty, he was ready to go wherever God sent him.

Many today struggle to respond in the same way. Instead of saying, “Here am I, send me,” they might inwardly think, “Here am I… but surely someone else is better suited.” This hesitancy often stems from carrying a lingering sense of guilt or inadequacy, believing they are not quite ready to be used by God. But the reality is this: if you are in Christ, you are ready. He has already equipped you. His life within you is the sufficiency you need.

A sculptor does not look for a perfect block of marble before beginning his work—he simply takes what is before him and begins to shape it according to his vision. In the same way, God does not seek those who have made themselves ready, but those who are willing to trust that He has made them ready. Isaiah was not called because he had something extraordinary to offer—he was called because he had received something extraordinary.

That is the marvel of God’s call. He does not send us out empty-handed or unprepared. He speaks His life into us, and from that overflow, we go. Not because we must, but because we may. Because we have tasted His grace, we long to share it. Because we have been cleansed, we long to proclaim His cleansing to others.

So the only question that remains is this: Do you trust what He has done in you? If so, then your heart can echo Isaiah’s words with joy: “Here am I! Send me.”

Prayer of Confidence

Father, You have already given me everything I need in Christ. You have cleansed me, restored me, and placed Your Spirit within me. I stand before You, not in my own adequacy, but in the sufficiency of Your grace. Thank You for the privilege of sharing what You have done. I trust You to live through me today, leading me where You desire, speaking through me as You will. My life is Yours. Here am I. Send me. Amen.

📖 Credit: Insights from "Immeasurably More"
📷 Photo by [Unsplash Contributor]


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