Journaling as a Journey with Jesus: Grace, Identity, and Relationship
Journaling can sometimes feel like a daunting task—what do I write, and why does it matter? But when seen through the lens of our life in Christ, journaling becomes something entirely different. It’s not just a discipline or a hobby; it’s a sacred space to explore the fullness of who we are in Him and to experience His life flowing through us.
Through journaling, we aren’t striving to fix ourselves or figure everything out on our own. Instead, we’re reflecting on the grace that already defines us and the relationship that sustains us. Let’s explore how journaling can become a Christ-centered practice that deepens our awareness of the exchanged life—our life in Christ and His life in us.
Why Journal? A Life of Grace, Not Striving
Journaling often gets associated with self-improvement—organizing our thoughts, tackling our problems, or becoming “better.” But the exchanged life shifts our focus entirely. In Christ, we’re not journaling to change who we are or earn His favor. We’re journaling to remember who He is, what He’s done, and how He lives in and through us.
When you sit down to journal, you’re entering into a conversation with the One who has already given you everything you need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). You’re not alone in this process—Christ in you is guiding, speaking, and reminding you of the truth of who you are in Him.
How to Journal: From Grace, Not Performance
Here’s how you can begin journaling in a way that aligns with the exchanged life:
1. Rest in His Presence
Start by reminding yourself of this truth: Christ is already with you, and His life is in you. This isn’t a time to try harder or prove anything. Simply rest in His presence, knowing He delights in you.
2. Reflect on Your Union with Christ
Let your journaling flow from the reality that you’ve been crucified with Christ, and it’s no longer you who live, but Christ who lives in you (Galatians 2:20). Write about what this means for your day-to-day life:
How does Christ’s life shape how you see today’s challenges?
Where do you see His grace working in you and through you?
What does it mean that you are fully accepted in Him, no matter what?
3. Bring Him Your Burdens
Journaling is a beautiful way to cast your cares on Him (1 Peter 5:7). Instead of trying to process your worries on your own, pour them out on the page as an act of surrender. Write down the thoughts and fears you’ve been carrying, and then write the truth of His promises over them.
For example:
“Lord, I’ve been feeling so anxious about [situation]. But I know Your Word says You are my peace and my strength (Philippians 4:6-7). I trust that You’re carrying this burden for me.”
4. Focus on Gratitude and Grace
Journaling is a powerful way to cultivate a heart of gratitude. As you reflect on your day, write down moments where you’ve seen His grace in action. It could be something as simple as a kind word from a friend or as profound as a breakthrough in your walk with Him. Gratitude helps us see life through the lens of His sufficiency.
The Relational Benefits of Journaling
1. Deepening Your Fellowship with Christ
Journaling is like sitting down with Jesus for a heart-to-heart. It’s a time to share your joys and struggles, to listen for His still, small voice, and to let His truth shape your perspective. As you write, you’ll begin to notice how He speaks through His Word and His Spirit, guiding and comforting you.
2. Growing in Grace and Truth
Through journaling, you can remind yourself of the truths of the gospel. When doubts or lies creep in, writing them out and then countering them with Scripture allows you to realign your heart with His grace. Over time, this practice helps you walk more fully in the freedom that is already yours in Christ.
3. Recognizing His Life in You
One of the most beautiful aspects of journaling is looking back and seeing His faithfulness woven through your story. As you reflect on past entries, you’ll notice how He’s been working in and through you, even when you didn’t realize it at the time. It’s a tangible reminder that Christ’s life in you is your greatest reality.
A Grace-Filled Invitation
Journaling isn’t about perfect words or rigid routines—it’s about connection. It’s about sitting with Jesus, letting Him lead the conversation, and resting in the truth that He is your life. Whether you’re writing through tears, celebrating victories, or simply reflecting on His goodness, you’re drawing closer to Him and becoming more aware of the abundant grace that surrounds you.
So grab a notebook, find a quiet place, and let journaling be a space where you encounter the One who loves you and gave Himself for you. In Him, you are complete, accepted, and fully alive.
Let this practice be a reflection of the exchanged life: not striving to do more, but resting in the One who has already done it all.