Eyes on the Lord: Victory Through Trust
2 Chronicles 20:1-30
The story of Jehoshaphat’s battle against overwhelming odds is a powerful reminder that God is not merely a distant observer but the One who fights on behalf of His people. Faced with an invading army far beyond his ability to defeat, Jehoshaphat did not rely on military strategy, alliances, or his own strength—he turned his eyes to the Lord.
When he gathered the people at the temple and prayed, his words were not filled with self-reliance or frantic requests but with recognition of God’s covenant faithfulness. His confession—"We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You”(v. 12)—was not a cry of despair, but of trust. God responded, declaring, “The battle is not yours, but God’s” (v. 15). Without lifting a single sword, Judah witnessed the Lord’s deliverance as their enemies destroyed themselves.
This account is not just a historical event but a divine pattern: the one who depends fully on the Lord finds Him utterly sufficient. While we may not face literal armies, the pressures of life often seem insurmountable. Yet our call remains the same—to trust, to stand firm, and to watch the Lord bring about His purposes.
The failure of Jehoshaphat later in his life, aligning himself with a wicked king in a business venture, serves as a sobering contrast. The same king who experienced victory through total reliance on the Lord faltered when he placed his trust in a human alliance. The lesson is clear: trust in God alone brings security, while partnerships with those who walk in darkness only lead to ruin.
Christ, our perfect King, never failed in trust or obedience. In Him, we have the assurance that our battles, no matter how daunting, are already won. Our role is not to strive in the flesh but to stand firm, eyes fixed on Him.
A Picture of Trust: The Watchman on the Tower
Imagine a fortified city surrounded by enemies. The watchman atop the highest tower does not rush to the battlefield with his own weapons. His task is to keep his gaze fixed on the horizon, looking for the coming of the King’s army. He does not panic or scheme—he watches, waits, and trusts in the King’s power to save. In the same way, we are called to fix our eyes on Christ, confident that He alone secures the victory.
Prayer of Confidence
Father, You have already given us the victory in Christ. When we face challenges beyond our strength, we stand firm in the truth that the battle belongs to You. Our confidence is not in our ability but in Your unfailing faithfulness. You have never forsaken those who trust in You, and You never will. Our eyes remain on You, our ever-present Deliverer, and we walk forward in the assurance of Your triumph. Amen.
Credit: Insights from Grace and Truth Study Bible.