Why Do the Nations Rage?

“Who planned this against Tyre, the bestower of crowns, whose merchants are princes, whose traders are renowned in the earth? The Lord Almighty planned it, to bring down her pride in all her splendor and to humble all who are renowned on the earth.”
Isaiah 23:8-9

The world’s power structures often seem unshakable. Nations rise, economies thrive, and cultures celebrate their achievements. Yet history shows that no empire, no kingdom, no city built on self-sufficiency and greed stands forever. Tyre, the thriving trade hub of its day, boasted wealth and influence beyond measure, yet God Himself orchestrated its downfall. Why? Because pride fueled its pursuits, and material prosperity became its god.

Tyre's story is more than an ancient account; it speaks directly to the human heart. The same forces that shaped that city—love of comfort, pursuit of wealth, and confidence in earthly security—tempt every generation. The world offers temporary pleasures and distractions, but they never satisfy. The flesh seeks fulfillment apart from God, but it only leads to emptiness. Behind them both, the enemy whispers deception, urging us to build lives that rest on what we can achieve rather than on the One who holds all things.

Yet we are not left to battle these forces alone. The Lord Almighty is with us. His presence within us is our triumph over the world, the flesh, and the enemy’s schemes. We do not fight for victory—we stand in the victory Christ has already secured. When temptations come, when the world’s promises call to us, when our hearts are drawn to lesser things, we turn instead to the indwelling Christ, our sufficiency. He is our treasure, our security, and our life.

A Picture of Perspective

Imagine a child holding tightly to a handful of coins, convinced they are the greatest treasure, unwilling to trade them for something far greater. The world clutches its wealth, its power, and its fleeting pleasures, unaware that in Christ, we hold something of infinite worth. To trust in Him is to open our hands, to let go of what cannot last, and to receive the unshakable riches of His life within us.


  • Where have you been tempted to place confidence in earthly security rather than in Christ?

  • In what ways do you recognize the pull of the world’s values in your life?

  • How does knowing Christ lives in you change the way you view material wealth and personal success?

Prayer of Confidence

Father, You have given me everything I need in Christ. The world offers its distractions, but I recognize that true treasure is found only in You. I stand in the victory of Christ, resting in His life within me, knowing that I am not bound by the values of this world. Thank You for Your sufficiency, Your presence, and the triumph You have already secured. My heart is set on You, and I trust You to live Your life through me in this moment. Amen.

Devotional insights from Ray Stedman. Photo credit: Unsplash.


No Condemnation in Christ


Complete in Christ: Finding Our True Identity