Walking in the Spirit: Living From the Life of Christ
"Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh… If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."
—Galatians 5:16, 25
From the moment we were made new in Christ, the Spirit of God became our very life. Our walk is not about self-improvement or striving to meet a moral standard—it is about relying upon the One who indwells us. Just as we were born of the Spirit, we now walk by the Spirit, allowing His life to express itself through us.
Walking implies movement, step by step, moment by moment. It is not a single leap but a continual yielding to His life within. The alternative is clear—if we attempt to walk in our own strength, the pull of the flesh takes over. But when we yield to the Spirit, He lives His life through us, producing love, joy, and peace instead of striving, frustration, and failure.
A lantern only shines when it remains connected to its power source. If we attempt to live independently, disconnected from the Spirit, we will struggle in darkness. But when we abide in Him, His light naturally shines forth. Our role is not to generate the light but to stay yielded so His light is unhindered.
The Christian walk is not a test of endurance—it is a life of trust. Each step is a step of faith, not in ourselves, but in Christ’s sufficiency. The same Spirit who gave us life now leads, empowers, and accomplishes all that God desires in and through us.
Prayer of Confidence
Father, You have given me Your Spirit, and I trust You to live Your life through me today. I yield to Your leading, knowing that You are my source of wisdom, peace, and joy. I refuse the futile effort of trying to walk in my own strength, for You alone are able. Thank You for being my sufficiency in every step, every moment. May my life be an unhindered expression of Your presence within. Amen.
📸 Photo credit: Unsplash
📖 Devotional credit: Day by Day by Grace