Walking by Faith, Not by Sight

Inspired by A.B. Simpson’s "Days of Heaven Upon Earth"

"By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, without knowing where he was going." — Hebrews 11:8 BSB

Faith does not demand sight, nor does it require explanations. It rests securely in the One who calls, trusting that His way is sure, even when the path is unseen. Abraham stepped forward into the unknown, not with a map in hand, but with confidence in the voice that beckoned him forward.

When sailing across open waters, a captain does not navigate by what is visible, for the sea offers no fixed landmarks. Instead, he aligns his course with the heavens, fixing his position by the sun and stars. Though the water below shifts and the horizon remains distant, he moves forward with certainty. Faith operates in the same way—it does not rely on earthly markers but on the unchanging guidance of the Lord.

There are times when faith seems to lead into uncertainty, even appearing to chart a course through darkness. Yet God never leaves His own adrift. The One who calls is faithful, and He ensures that every step taken in trust is firmly within His will. Faith does not stumble blindly; it walks in the assurance that the One who leads knows the way, even when we do not.

Reflection and Application

  • Are there areas in your life where you hesitate to move forward because you cannot see what’s ahead?

  • What would it look like today to step forward in trust, believing that God's direction is sure even when unseen?

  • How does fixing your eyes on Christ, rather than circumstances, shape your confidence in His leading?

Prayer of Confidence

Father, You have never called us to walk by sight, but by faith in Your perfect wisdom and care. Today, we step forward with assurance, knowing that Your guidance is unfailing. We refuse to lean on what is seen, choosing instead to trust in the One who holds all things in His hands. You are our certainty in uncertainty, our light in the unknown. Thank You for already providing all we need to walk in the path You have set before us. Amen.

Devotional insights from "Days of Heaven Upon Earth" by A.B. Simpson.
Photo credit: Unsplash.


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