Seeking the Spirit’s Fullness Through Prayer
"The door is already open—walk in the fullness of His Spirit today."
Based on Day by Day by Grace – Bob Hoekstra
Jesus calls us to live in continual expectation of the Father’s gracious outpouring. His words in Luke 11:9-13 are not isolated instructions but an ongoing invitation: Keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking. He assures us that those who come to the Father in this way will receive, find, and have doors opened to them. More specifically, He promises the Holy Spirit to those who ask.
Prayer is the means by which we humbly acknowledge our dependence on God and exercise faith that He is actively at work in us. This is not about pleading for what He is reluctant to give, but about aligning ourselves with His ever-flowing provision. We see this same principle in Ephesians 3:16-19, where Paul prays for believers to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man and to be filled with all the fullness of God.
The imperatives Jesus uses—ask, seek, knock—are continuous. They describe a life of ongoing dependence, not a single moment of petition. Living by the Spirit is not achieved through one-time experiences but through a moment-by-moment walk of trust. The Father’s promise is unwavering: He desires to fill His children with the fullness of His Spirit, empowering them to walk in all that He has already given in Christ.
Journal Entry: Walking in the Spirit’s Fullness
Father, You have already given me everything I need in Christ. You have poured Your Spirit into me, making me a vessel of Your life. You do not withhold Your presence, nor do I need to plead for what You have freely given. Yet, You invite me to continually ask, seek, and knock—not as a beggar, but as one who delights in an ever-deepening fellowship with You.
This is the life You have called me to—a moment-by-moment reliance on Your Spirit. Not striving, but trusting. Not trying to obtain, but walking in what is already mine. As I ask, it is not to receive something new, but to align my heart with Your abundant supply. As I seek, it is not because You are distant, but because I long to experience the fullness of what You have already poured into me. As I knock, it is with the certainty that every door You desire to open will be opened at the right time.
You are the God of absolute faithfulness. Your promises are not uncertain; they are yes and amen in Christ. I choose to live in this assurance today, knowing that as I ask, seek, and knock, I am simply stepping into the fullness of what You have already provided. Thank You for this unshakable reality.
Father, I thank You that You have already given me Your Spirit in full measure. You do not give sparingly, nor do You hold back. I trust You to lead me in the life of continual asking, seeking, and knocking—not to receive what I lack, but to walk in the fullness of what You have already provided. Your Spirit is my life, my wisdom, my strength, and my joy. I rest in Your unwavering promise, knowing that You are always working in and through me.
Intent of Image:
A sunrise filtering through an open door, symbolizing the invitation to step into the fullness of what God has already given.