Unveiled Glory: The Transformative Power of the New Covenant

Paul’s message in 2 Corinthians 3 unveils the surpassing glory of the new covenant. Unlike the old covenant, which was written on tablets of stone and brought condemnation, the new covenant is written on the hearts of believers by the Spirit of the living God. This internal transformation brings freedom, righteousness, and boldness—qualities that define the life of every believer in Christ.

Reflections on Key Truths

Paul makes a striking comparison between the old and new covenants. The old covenant, though glorious in its own right, was a ministry of death and condemnation. It revealed sin but offered no power to overcome it. The law, etched in stone, was external and unyielding. In contrast, the new covenant brings life because it is written within—on the very hearts of those who belong to Christ.

This transformation is not merely a positional reality but an experiential one. As believers behold the glory of the Lord, they are progressively conformed to His image. Paul describes this as a process of ever-increasing glory (2 Cor. 3:18), a work accomplished by the Spirit, not human effort. The law could only expose failure, but the Spirit imparts life.

The veil that once obscured understanding is removed in Christ. Just as Moses veiled his face after encountering God’s glory, those under the old covenant remained veiled in spiritual blindness. But in turning to Christ, the veil is lifted, and true sight is granted. This is not merely intellectual comprehension—it is an unveiling that leads to transformation. The believer, with an unveiled face, beholds Christ and is changed into His likeness.

Application for Today

  • Live in the Freedom of the Spirit – The new covenant is not about rule-keeping but about yielding to the life of Christ within. The Spirit leads us into the full experience of righteousness, peace, and joy.

  • Behold Christ to Be Transformed – Change happens not by striving but by beholding. As we fix our gaze on Christ, His life becomes increasingly manifest in us.

  • Walk in Boldness – Unlike Moses, who had to veil his face, we have no need to hide the glory of Christ within us. We can confidently live as bearers of His light in a dark world.

A Thought-Provoking Question

What areas of life do we still approach with an old covenant mindset—trying to measure up rather than trusting in the Spirit’s work within us?

Closing Prayer

Father, we rejoice in the freedom You have given us in Christ. Thank You for removing the veil and allowing us to see the radiance of Your glory. We stand in the sufficiency of Your Spirit, confident that You are transforming us from glory to glory. May our lives be a reflection of Your light, unhindered and unhidden, as we walk boldly in the reality of the new covenant. Amen.

Final Thought

The old covenant revealed the problem; the new covenant provides the solution. In Christ, we are no longer striving to become—we are simply beholding and being transformed.


In Christ, we are no longer striving to become—we are simply beholding and being transformed


Becoming a Faithful Servant: Living Ready for the Master’s Return