The Spirit Who Gives Life

“It is the Spirit who gives life”…[God] also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
—John 6:63; 2 Corinthians 3:6

There is no true life apart from Christ. Before we knew Him, we were spiritually lifeless, moving through this world without the vitality of His presence. Our best efforts to be righteous led only to exhaustion, for the law could never impart life—it could only expose our need. But God, rich in mercy, breathed His life into us through the Holy Spirit, uniting us with Christ and making us alive together with Him.

Yet this life is not merely an entrance into salvation; it is the very essence of our daily walk. The Spirit does not place us on a religious treadmill of performance but invites us to abide in Christ, drawing upon His life moment by moment. Many well-meaning believers attempt to live by principles alone, clinging to external rules rather than yielding to the internal work of the Spirit. But the letter kills. Human effort, no matter how well-intentioned, leads only to frustration and spiritual weariness. The abundant life Christ promised is not found in striving, but in trusting.

Imagine a lamp that remains unplugged, no matter how polished or well-placed it may be. Without connection to its power source, it cannot shine. So it is with us. The life of Christ, through the indwelling Spirit, is our source of light, strength, and love. The Christian life is not about mimicking Christ but yielding to Him, allowing His life to be expressed through us.

This is the new covenant: not a system of obligations, but a relationship of divine sufficiency. "Christ, who is our life," is the reality of our new existence. The Holy Spirit does not simply instruct us in righteousness—He imparts it. He does not merely give us direction—He is our life.

Prayer of Confidence

Father, I thank You that I am no longer striving to live for You, but that Christ is my life. You have already given me all that I need in the Holy Spirit, who supplies wisdom, love, and power in every moment. I trust You to express Your life through me today. May Your Spirit, who gives life, lead me to rest in the fullness of all You have already provided. Amen.

Photo Credit: Unsplash
*Devotional Credit: Day by Day by Grace


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