The Right Pursuit: Seeking God First
“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.” — Matthew 6:33 BSB
A divided heart easily loses its way. It’s easy to fixate on a desire—something good, even godly—and allow it to take center stage in our thoughts. We may not even realize how subtly our longing for the thing has overtaken our longing for the Lord Himself. Jesus reminds us that the order matters: Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and everything else falls into place. It’s not about not desiring things, but about desiring Him above all.
Imagine a compass. When set toward true north, every journey stays on course. If it’s even slightly misaligned, over time, the path drifts further and further from the intended destination. In the same way, when our hearts are set on Christ, every blessing He intends for us follows naturally. But if our focus shifts—if the blessing itself becomes our goal—we may find ourselves wandering, anxious and unfulfilled.
God has already given us all we need in Christ. When we rest in Him, trusting Him as our source, we can walk forward in confidence. The desires He plants in us are safe in His hands, and He knows how and when to bring them about in a way that glorifies Him. Our calling is simple: Fix our eyes on Jesus. Rest in His provision. Walk in faith.
Lord, I trust You completely. You are my highest pursuit, my greatest treasure. Everything I need is found in You. Thank You for aligning my heart with Yours, for directing my steps, and for holding every good thing in Your perfect timing. My joy is in You alone. Amen.
📖 Devotional credit: Days of Heaven
📷 Photo credit: Unsplash