The Paralysis of Looking at the Stars

The stars may shine, but they do not rule me. My path is set by the One who created them."

Devotional Reflection on In Christ by E. Stanley Jones

Many people today seek guidance from sources outside of God—whether it be astrology, superstition, or human reasoning. E. Stanley Jones highlights the absurdity of trusting in the stars rather than the One who created them. Astrology, he explains, not only removes moral accountability but also enslaves its followers to an impersonal force that cannot love, think, or act. The very stars, which should remind us of God's vast wisdom, instead become idols when we rely on them for direction.

Jones shares real-life accounts of people paralyzed by superstition, unable to make decisions apart from astrological forecasts. The irony is that while seeking security, they become enslaved to uncertainty. Astrology doesn’t just mislead; it fosters decay—moral, intellectual, and spiritual. Those who follow its dictates become passive spectators in life, missing out on God's active, personal guidance.

Yet, for those in Christ, there is an entirely different way to live. We are not at the mercy of impersonal forces. We are led by the indwelling Spirit of Christ, who speaks within, moment by moment. While the world anxiously looks for signs, we walk in confidence, knowing that nothing can separate us from the love of God—not the stars, not fate, not any power in heaven or on earth (Romans 8:38-39). Our steps are ordered by the Lord, and He alone is our guide.

Personal Journal Entry

Father, how steady is Your hand upon my life. The world chases signs and symbols, fearful of unseen forces, yet I am at rest in You. You are not silent. You are not distant. You do not leave me to interpret omens or read between the lines of my circumstances. Your Spirit leads me in the quiet of my heart, in the peace that surpasses understanding, and in the confidence that You are always present.

The enemy would have me hesitate, would have me second-guess, would have me look anywhere but to You. He would wrap chains around my mind, whispering that life is uncertain, that I must control, predict, and anticipate. But You, Lord, are my certainty. My future is not hidden in the movement of celestial bodies—it is hidden in Christ, secure, unshaken, unthreatened by shifting tides.

Thank You that I am not adrift in the randomness of existence. You order my steps. You direct my path. You lead me not by coercion but by love. Every breath, every decision, every moment belongs to You. And because of that, I walk forward, not with fear, but with boldness. The stars may shine, but they do not rule me. The world may tremble, but I will not. For I am in Christ, and in Him, I am whole.


Father, I rest in the unshakable reality that You are my guide. The world staggers in uncertainty, but I walk in the light of Your truth. Thank You that I am not bound by fear, by superstition, or by powerless traditions. You have given me the mind of Christ, the wisdom of Your Spirit, and the security of being fully known and loved. I do not need to search for signs or fear unseen forces, for You hold me, now and forever. Amen.


  • Devotional excerpt from In Christ by E. Stanley Jones

  • Photo credit: Unsplash

Unsplash Image Suggestion

  • Image: A vast night sky filled with stars, with a silhouette of a person standing confidently below.


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