The Parable of the Mirror: Reflecting Perfection

The Parable

A skilled artisan once crafted a magnificent mirror designed to reflect the light of the sun in all its brilliance. The mirror’s surface was flawless, capable of capturing every detail of the sunlight’s beauty. However, as time passed, the mirror became tarnished and covered in dust. It could no longer reflect the light as intended.

One day, the artisan returned to restore the mirror. With patience and care, he removed the layers of grime, polishing it until it gleamed once more. "Now," he said, "it can reflect the light as it was designed to do."

Reflection on the Call to Perfection

In Matthew 5:48, Jesus sets forth a high and startling standard: “Be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.” This is not a call to strive for human-defined flawlessness but an invitation to reflect the perfect character of God. Like the mirror in the parable, our lives were designed to display His glory. Yet sin tarnishes that reflection, distorting God’s light through our actions and attitudes.

Through the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus exposes the deeper dimensions of God’s law, showing that it reaches beyond outward behavior to the hidden motives of the heart. For example:

  • Lustful thoughts, even without physical action, violate God’s commandment on adultery (Matthew 5:27-28).

  • Harboring anger in our hearts is equivalent to committing murder in God’s eyes (Matthew 5:21-22).

These teachings reveal the impossibility of attaining God's standard through human effort alone. The law exposes our need for God’s transformative work, not only to cleanse us from sin but to enable us to live as reflections of His character.

Practical Applications

  1. Acknowledge the Standard: Recognize that God’s standard of perfection is His own character. The call to perfection reminds us of our design to reflect His holiness and love.

  2. Rest in God’s Work: Like the mirror restored by the artisan, trust in God’s grace to cleanse and restore your life so that His light shines through you.

  3. Guard the Heart: Since God’s law addresses not only actions but motives, examine your heart regularly. Confess and release any attitudes that hinder His reflection in your life.

  4. Live as His Reflection: As you yield to the Spirit, allow God’s love, mercy, and truth to flow through you in your interactions with others.

Reflection Questions

  1. How does Jesus’ teaching on the deeper meaning of the law challenge your understanding of sin and righteousness?

  2. In what areas of your life do you need God’s work to restore His reflection in you?

  3. How can you live each day in greater alignment with God’s character, trusting in His grace to transform you?

Closing Thought

Jesus’ call to perfection is not about self-effort or outward compliance but about reflecting the very character of our heavenly Father. As we rest in God’s grace and yield to His Spirit, He restores us to our true purpose: to glorify Him as His redeemed children.

This post draws from the "Day by Day by Grace" devotional by Bob Hoekstra, offering insights into God’s transformative work in our lives.


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