The Open Secret: Returning to the Majesty of God
Inspired by A.W. Tozer’s The Knowledge of the Holy, Chapter 23
As we conclude our reflections on The Knowledge of the Holy, we are brought face-to-face with what Tozer calls "the open secret"—a truth so simple and yet so often neglected. The greatest need of the Church today is not new methods, programs, or philosophies. It is the urgent call to return to the true and holy knowledge of God. Not merely a distant idea of God, but an intimate, transforming vision of His majesty, sovereignty, and glory.
But the Church is not some distant, corporate body—it is you and me. Whatever steps the Church must take to be restored to God’s glory begin with each of us individually. Revival is not a corporate movement without first being a personal awakening.
The Open Door to Knowing God
Tozer reminds us that this return to God isn’t hidden in some complex spiritual formula. It is wonderfully simple: "Acquaint thyself with God." Yet, while simple, it demands our complete surrender.
Imagine standing before a vast, magnificent mansion—a place of beauty, rest, and unsearchable riches. This estate belongs to you, gifted freely through Christ. But many of us continue living in a dimly lit cabin on the property’s edge, unsure how to enter the grandeur of what is already ours. We hold the keys, yet hesitate to unlock the doors.
The Holy Spirit is not merely beside us but living within us, ready to guide us through every room, unveiling the depth of our inheritance in Christ. Yet, we often cling to old patterns, weighed down by self-effort, fear, or doubt, instead of embracing the fullness of God’s presence.
Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 1:17-18 beautifully captures what awaits us:
"…that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Him, having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints."
This is not theoretical knowledge but a living, breathing relationship that awakens every part of our being.
Six Simple Yet Transforming Steps to Knowing God
Tozer outlines clear, biblical steps toward truly knowing God—not in theory but in experience:
Forsake Sin: Holiness and sin cannot dwell together. We must lay aside anything that hinders intimate fellowship with God. Christ Himself said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8).
Fully Commit to Christ: Knowing God requires more than belief—it demands full surrender. This is not half-hearted allegiance but a joyful giving over of our entire life to His will.
Reckon Yourself Dead to Sin: We must consider ourselves dead to sin and alive in Christ, allowing the Holy Spirit to fill and guide every part of our lives.
Detach from Worldly Values: We cannot cling to the values of this world and expect to know God deeply. We must boldly turn from the empty pursuits of the world and rest in the riches God provides.
Meditate on God’s Majesty: Let your heart and mind dwell on God’s greatness. This is not passive thinking but active, loving meditation. “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).
Serve Others Out of God’s Overflow: As we grow in the knowledge of God, it should naturally flow out in love and service to others. God’s goodness to us is never meant to stop with us—it’s meant to be shared.
Representing the Majesty of God
As God’s glory fills our lives, it cannot help but affect the Church and the world around us. Tozer beautifully says, “There is a glorified Man on the right hand of the Majesty in heaven faithfully representing us there. We are left for a season among men; let us faithfully represent Him here.”
Our worship, our prayers, our conversations, and our service should reflect God’s majesty. He is not merely a God who serves our needs but the sovereign King of all creation, holy and glorious.
A Prayer for Deeper Knowledge of God
Father, You are the God of majesty and glory, the One who has freely given us all things in Christ. Forgive us for settling for lesser things and for living in the shadow of all You have provided. Open the eyes of our hearts to see the hope of Your calling and the riches of Your inheritance. We surrender fully to You, trusting the Holy Spirit within us to guide us deeper into Your presence. May our lives reflect Your holiness and love, drawing others to know You as we walk in joyful obedience. Amen.
Final Thought
Knowing God is both the simplest and most challenging pursuit we will ever undertake. It is simple because Christ has already opened the door; it is challenging because it requires that we let go of everything else to walk through it.
Let us not stand at the edge of the estate, peering into the windows. Let us enter fully, guided by the Holy Spirit, exploring every room of God’s boundless grace and glory. In knowing Him, we find everything our hearts were made to desire.
“The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.”
— Lamentations 3:25