The Lord of the Harvest

The harvest is plentiful, and the Lord of the harvest is always at work.”

Luke 10:2 (BSB)And He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.”

The heart of this devotional reminds us that the work of spreading the Gospel is not something we generate through human effort. It is God’s work, and He alone is the One who calls and sends laborers. The fields of this world are ripe with people ready to receive the truth, yet the number of those who willingly go is few.

God stirs hearts. He awakens His people with a sense of urgency, impressing upon them the weight of eternity. He does not drive them with guilt, but compels them with love—the love that first sought them when they were lost. The devotional writer urges us to pray, not as a last resort but as the essential means by which God moves. It is through prayer that He aligns us with His heart and unfolds His plans.

This is not the kind of prayer that begs for God to do something as if He were reluctant. No, the Lord of the harvest is already working. He is always sending laborers. Our prayers are an act of faith, joining Him in His mission, asking Him to thrust out those who are yielded to His voice. And in praying this, we must be willing to say, “Here am I, Lord. Send me.”

Journal Entry:

Father, Your harvest is abundant. You are drawing men, women, and children to Yourself every moment, preparing hearts to receive the life You freely offer in Christ. You are not waiting for us to plead with You to act; You are already working. Even now, You are stirring hearts, opening eyes, and awakening laborers to enter the fields You have made ready.

I trust You. I trust that You are calling those who are to go. I trust that You are placing the burden on their hearts not through compulsion, but through the overflow of love. You do not call Your children to serve in exhaustion, but in the strength of Christ’s indwelling life. Those whom You send do not go alone, for You go with them, working through them.

Lord, I stand before You as one who belongs to You, knowing that wherever You place me, I am part of this harvest. Whether I go or whether I pray, I am yielded to Your purpose. I refuse to make this about human effort, for Your work cannot be accomplished by fleshly striving. You are the Lord of the harvest; You send, You prepare, You provide the increase.

Thank You for the privilege of participating in what You are already doing. I rest in the certainty that Your Gospel will reach every ear You have appointed, and not one soul will be lost whom You have chosen. Let my heart be ever in tune with Yours, rejoicing in the work You accomplish in and through us, for the glory of Christ.

Closing Prayer:

Father, I thank You that You are the Lord of the harvest. You are not hindered. You are always sending laborers, always drawing hearts, always accomplishing Your purposes. I trust that even now, You are awakening many to go forth, filled with Your Spirit, compelled by love, and dependent upon You. Let my heart remain in harmony with Yours, knowing that whether I pray or go, I am part of Your great work. I rejoice in what You are doing, confident that Your harvest will be gathered in fullness. Amen.

Intent of Photo:
An image of golden wheat fields stretching under a vast sky, evoking the idea of an abundant harvest.


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