The Joy of Giving: A Reflection on Acts 20:35
Love multiplies in the giving. What we release in faith, He replenishes in abundance.
Devotional Summary
Jesus’ words, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” reveal a truth that runs counter to the world's natural way of thinking. Earthly love often revolves around self-interest—seeking satisfaction, recognition, or security. But heavenly love, the love that flows from Christ, is entirely selfless. It is a love that delights in glorifying God and blessing others without expecting anything in return. This love is not concerned with self-preservation, for it knows that in surrender, life is truly found.
The more we focus on ourselves—our needs, our desires, our comfort—the more elusive joy becomes. But when we shift our eyes to Christ and allow His love to flow through us to others, we discover an overflowing abundance that cannot be diminished. This is the paradox of the kingdom: the one who gives himself away in love is the one who is truly full.
So, what fills our prayers? Are they centered on our own needs, or do they extend outward, interceding for others? Are we grasping at life, or are we freely giving it away for His sake? The deeper we rest in Christ’s sufficiency, the more freely we can give—without fear of lack, without calculation, simply as an overflow of the life we have already received in Him.
Personal Journal Reflection
Lord, Your life in me is an unceasing fountain, always full, always overflowing. You are the wellspring of love that never runs dry, and because You live in me, I lack nothing. What a joy it is to pour out what I have received!
I see now that true love does not measure or calculate what it gives, nor does it give to be filled in return. True love gives because it has already been filled. The more I abide in You, the more I see that You are the one doing the loving through me. There is no burden in this—only the lightness of Your yoke, the ease of surrender. You supply the love, and I simply yield to its outflow.
What could I possibly lose by giving myself away? I have already died, and my life is now hidden with Christ in God. Nothing of true worth can ever be taken from me. The more I let go, the more I receive, because in losing myself for Your sake, I find the life that is truly life.
Lord, live Your love through me today. I yield my hands, my words, my time—may they be instruments of Your grace. Whether in speaking encouragement, offering practical help, or interceding in prayer, let every act be a reflection of Your heart. I trust that whatever I give, You have already replenished a hundredfold. In You, I live open-handed, lacking nothing, rich beyond measure.
Father, thank You for the fullness of life You have given me in Christ. There is no lack in You, and therefore, there is no lack in me. Your love flows freely, unrestricted by fear or self-preservation. I trust You to love through me today—to pour out, to serve, to bless—not from my own strength, but from the abundance of Your life within. What a privilege it is to be a vessel of Your goodness. May You be glorified in all things. Amen.
Ideal Photo Suggestion for Unsplash:
An image of an open hand releasing seeds into the wind, symbolizing the joy of giving without fear of lack.
Credit: Devotional excerpt from Days of Heaven, March 7. Photo credit: Unsplash.