The Immutable Law of Grace

“The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death.” — Romans 8:2

E. Stanley Jones reminds us that the spiritual life operates according to unchanging principles, just as the natural world does. The same God who designed the laws of gravity, thermodynamics, and motion is the One who governs grace and life in Christ. There is no uncertainty in Him—no arbitrary decisions or shifting moods. Just as the sun rises each day without fail, so does His grace function with perfect reliability.

Many believers struggle with the idea of spiritual consistency. We may think that our spiritual vitality depends on our performance—on whether we read enough Scripture, pray enough, or behave righteously enough. But Scripture reveals a different reality: the life of Christ within us is not sporadic or capricious. It is as steadfast as the law of gravity. Our role is not to make it work, but to rest in its operation.

A person does not have to strain or plead for gravity to hold them to the ground; they simply trust it is there. Likewise, the law of the Spirit of life is already in effect for all who are in Christ. The moment we surrendered to Him, we were placed under this divine certainty. We do not need to coax or convince God to bless us with His life—it is already our reality. The call is to recognize, yield, and walk in it.

Jones describes the Christian life as an exchange: we surrender our all, and in return, we receive all that we need and more than we could ever contain. This is not a negotiation but an immutable certainty. When we rest in the sufficiency of Christ, we are not trying to obtain something uncertain, but rather stepping into the unshakable operation of God's law of grace.

A Reflection

Imagine a train securely running on its tracks. The engineer does not have to keep laying new rails each day—he simply follows the path already set before him. In the same way, the law of the Spirit of life is a track that has already been laid by Christ. We are not meant to forge a new way or push forward in our own effort. Instead, we rest in the security of His finished work, moving forward by the power that already carries us.


  • When you wake up each morning, acknowledge that you are already under the law of the Spirit of life. You don’t need to earn it or plead for it—it is as active as the air you breathe.

  • Instead of striving to feel spiritual, trust in the immutable certainty of Christ’s life within you.

  • If you experience doubt, remind yourself that God's grace is not based on emotion or effort, but on His unchanging faithfulness.

Prayer of Confidence

Father, I acknowledge that You have established the law of the Spirit of life in Christ, and I rest in its certainty. I refuse to strive for what You have already given. Thank You for making my life in Christ as steadfast as Your promises. Today, I walk in full assurance, knowing that I do not have to sustain my own spiritual growth—You are the One who holds all things together. I trust and yield to Your unchanging faithfulness. Amen.

Photo Credit: Unsplash
Devotional Source: In Christ by E. Stanley Jones


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