The Futility of Horoscopes and the Certainty of Christ

Not the stars, but the Savior—He alone directs our steps.

Summary of the Devotional

E. Stanley Jones addresses the ancient and persistent belief in astrology, critiquing the notion that the movement of celestial bodies could determine the destiny of moral and spiritual beings. He highlights how astrology, once dominant in ancient cultures, still influences modern society, including in nations like America, where daily horoscopes continue to be taken seriously. Jones likens this to idolatry—akin to bowing before a stone figure and seeking its guidance. He exposes the dangerous materialism behind it, where people abandon personal responsibility and spiritual discernment in favor of what the stars supposedly dictate. Ultimately, he reminds us that no power, whether from above or below, can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Astrology and all other forms of deterministic superstition are distractions that rob believers of the true security found in Christ. Instead of looking to lifeless stars for guidance, we are to trust in the indwelling Christ, who actively leads us in His wisdom and love.

Personalized Journal Entry

Lord, how grateful I am that my life is not at the mercy of cold, distant stars but is held securely in Your hands. The idea that planetary movements could dictate my future seems absurd in light of the reality of Christ in me—the very source of my life and direction. You have given me a new heart, a new spirit, and a new mind, renewed daily in the truth of Your Word. Why would I trade the certainty of Your wisdom for the shifting sands of superstition?

It’s astonishing to think that people still seek guidance from impersonal forces when they could know You—the God who formed them, redeemed them, and now indwells them. There is nothing arbitrary about my life in You. No cosmic force dictates my steps; rather, it is You, living in and through me, who leads me moment by moment. Even when I don’t see the path ahead, I trust that You are the one directing my steps in the way of life.

I see now that superstition, whether in the form of horoscopes or any other false source of guidance, is just another attempt to control life apart from You. It’s the same root as Adam and Eve’s original sin—wanting knowledge and security outside of simple trust in You. But in Christ, I have everything I need. My identity is secure, my destiny is sealed, and my daily walk is directed by Your Spirit within me.

Let me never live as though I am at the mercy of fate, but rather in the full assurance that I am carried by Your life within me. You are the only power at work in me, shaping me, guiding me, and conforming me to the image of Christ.


Father, I rest in the certainty that my life is hidden in Christ, beyond the reach of superstition, fear, or the shifting currents of culture. You are my wisdom, my direction, and my security. I rejoice in the reality that nothing—neither powers from above nor powers from below—can separate me from Your love. You have placed me in Christ, and in Him, I am free. Thank You for leading me in the light of truth, for removing the burden of self-directed living, and for giving me the joy of walking in step with You. Amen.

Devotional Credit: In Christ by E. Stanley Jones
Photo Credit: Unsplash

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Theme: A vast night sky filled with stars, with a single illuminated path below, symbolizing Christ as the true guide rather than astrology.




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