The Freedom of the Bondslave
💡 Insights from Days of Heaven
"It shall not be this way among you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave—"
— Matthew 20:26-27 (BSB)
The world often measures greatness by power, influence, and personal achievement. Yet, Jesus turns this notion on its head, declaring that true greatness is found in servanthood. The highest form of service is not merely fulfilling duties but becoming a bondslave—one who willingly surrenders their rights out of love and devotion.
Jesus Himself demonstrated this. He, the Lord of all, took on the position of a slave, washing the feet of His disciples, bearing the burden of our sin, and submitting fully to the will of the Father. His life was not a pursuit of self-interest but an offering for the glory of God and the redemption of others. If we desire to walk closely with Him, we must embrace this same posture—setting aside our preferences, laying down our demands, and serving with joy.
Imagine a skilled musician who no longer plays for their own pleasure but dedicates their talent to lifting others’ spirits. They don’t ask, What do I get out of this? but rather, How can this gift be given away for the good of others? In the same way, when we serve as bondslaves of Christ, we are not bound by obligation but liberated by love.
Living This Truth
Recognize that the call to servanthood is not one of loss, but of divine purpose and intimacy with Christ.
Release personal preferences and rights, trusting that God's plans are always better than our own.
Serve with joy, knowing that in doing so, we reflect the very heart of Christ.
Prayer of Trust
Father, You have already united us with Christ, the Servant-King. We rejoice in the freedom of surrender, knowing that as we yield ourselves fully, we are not diminished but lifted into the richness of Your purposes. Thank You for making us vessels of Your love, willingly poured out for Your glory. May our hearts delight in serving as Jesus served, without condition, without self-interest, and without hesitation. In Christ, we live, move, and find our fulfillment. Amen.
📷 Photo from Unsplash