The Forgotten Voice—Understanding Elihu’s Counsel in Job

When we think of the book of Job, we often focus on Job’s three friends—Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar—and how their well-meaning yet flawed counsel misrepresented God. By the end of the story, God rebukes them for their words: “You have not spoken of Me what is right” (Job 42:7).

But there’s another voice in Job’s story, one that often gets overlooked: Elihu. This younger man steps in after Job and his three friends have exhausted their arguments. He speaks for six chapters (Job 32–37), yet when God finally addresses Job and his situation, Elihu’s words go unacknowledged. God neither rebukes him nor affirms him.

So, who was Elihu, and what do we make of his counsel? Was he wise, misguided, or somewhere in between?

Who Was Elihu?

Elihu appears in Job 32 as a young man who has been listening to the lengthy debate between Job and his three friends. Unlike Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, who were older and spoke with an air of authority, Elihu’s youth causes him to wait his turn. But when he finally speaks, he comes across as passionate, bold, and eager to share his perspective:

"I am young in years, and you are old;
that is why I was fearful, not daring to tell you what I know.
But it is the spirit in a person,
the breath of the Almighty, that gives them understanding”
(Job 32:6-8).

Elihu claims that wisdom doesn’t come from age alone but from the Spirit of God. This sets the tone for his entire speech—he believes he has something significant to say that Job and his friends have missed.

Elihu’s Key Points

Elihu’s counsel differs from that of Job’s other friends. While Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar insist that Job’s suffering must be punishment for sin, Elihu offers a more nuanced perspective on why people suffer:

  1. God Uses Suffering to Instruct and Refine
    Elihu suggests that suffering is not always punishment for sin but can be a means of teaching and discipline. He says:
    “God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it... He is chastened with pain on his bed, with continual strife in his bones” (Job 33:14, 19).

    Elihu seems to argue that God allows suffering to get our attention, to humble us, and to draw us closer to Him. In this, Elihu’s words reflect some truth—Hebrews 12:6 reminds us that “the Lord disciplines the one He loves.”

  2. God Is Just and Cannot Act Wickedly
    Elihu strongly defends God’s justice:
    “Far be it from God to do evil, from the Almighty to do wrong. He repays everyone for what they have done; He brings on them what their conduct deserves” (Job 34:10-11).

    Elihu acknowledges God’s sovereignty and righteousness, but like Job’s other friends, he still leans into a retributive view of justice. While not as harsh as the others, Elihu implies that Job’s insistence on his innocence might be missing the point.

  3. Job Should Look to God Instead of Justifying Himself
    Elihu criticizes Job for focusing too much on defending his innocence and questioning God. He says:
    “Job opens his mouth with empty talk; without knowledge he multiplies words” (Job 35:16).

    Elihu urges Job to consider God’s greatness, wisdom, and power rather than trying to demand answers. In Job 37, Elihu beautifully describes God’s majesty in creation—His control over the weather, the clouds, and the thunder—as evidence of His sovereignty.

Why Doesn’t God Address Elihu?

This is where things get interesting. When God finally speaks in Job 38–41, He does not mention Elihu at all. He rebukes Job’s three friends for misrepresenting Him, but Elihu receives neither correction nor affirmation. Why?

Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Elihu’s Counsel Was Closer to the Truth, but Not Perfect
    Elihu’s words contain more truth than Job’s three friends. He rightly points out that suffering can be a tool for refinement and that God’s ways are beyond our understanding. However, he still speaks presumptuously about Job’s situation, claiming insight he does not fully have.

    Like Job’s other friends, Elihu tries to explain God’s purposes as if they are entirely understandable—something God Himself refutes when He speaks out of the whirlwind: “Who is this that obscures My plans with words without knowledge?” (Job 38:2).

  2. Elihu Speaks More About God Than for God
    Elihu defends God’s character, but he still focuses too much on explaining Job’s suffering rather than simply pointing Job to God. There’s a subtle difference between speaking about God and truly representing Him.

  3. God Chooses to Speak for Himself
    Ultimately, Elihu’s words become unnecessary because God steps in to reveal Himself. Elihu’s speech culminates in a description of God’s power and majesty, which transitions seamlessly into God’s direct response to Job. It’s as if Elihu’s role was to prepare Job’s heart to hear directly from the Lord.

What Can We Learn from Elihu?

Elihu’s counsel provides both a caution and an encouragement for us:

  1. Be Humble in Offering Counsel
    Elihu’s confidence in his words reminds us to approach others’ struggles with humility. We may see glimpses of truth, but we can never fully understand someone else’s situation or God’s purposes.

  2. God’s Ways Are Higher
    While Elihu spoke many truths about God’s justice and greatness, he still missed the bigger picture. God’s ways are often beyond what we can explain or rationalize. Instead of trying to “figure Him out,” we must trust Him.

  3. Point Others to God, Not Just Advice
    Elihu’s strongest moments were when he described God’s majesty. This is a good reminder: when others are suffering, our role is not to provide all the answers but to point them to the One who holds all things together.

  4. God Will Speak for Himself
    Ultimately, Job’s comfort didn’t come from Elihu’s words but from hearing God’s voice directly. God meets us in our suffering, and His presence is far more powerful than any human explanation.


Elihu’s role in Job’s story is complex. He speaks with passion, confidence, and a measure of truth, but he also reveals the limits of human understanding. While he avoids the harshness and error of Job’s other friends, his counsel still falls short because it tries to explain God rather than simply trusting Him.

The takeaway for us? In moments of suffering—whether ours or someone else’s—we don’t need perfect answers. What we need is to rest in the truth of who God is: sovereign, just, loving, and far beyond our comprehension.

“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

Let us learn from Elihu’s passion and boldness but temper it with humility, grace, and a steadfast trust in the God who speaks for Himself.

Have you ever struggled to understand someone’s suffering or find the right words to encourage them? What has God taught you about trusting Him when answers don’t come easily? I’d love to hear your thoughts.


Speaking About God vs. Representing Him


When Good Advice Isn’t Godly Counsel