The Cross: The Doorway to God’s Presence

Inspired by insights from the Grace and Truth Study Bible

In Matthew 27, we witness the culmination of Jesus’ earthly mission—His betrayal, suffering, crucifixion, and death. The chapter presents the most somber and pivotal moment in history: the sinless Son of God willingly giving His life to redeem humanity. Every event, from Judas’s betrayal to the tearing of the temple curtain, is woven together in God’s sovereign plan to reconcile His people to Himself.

One striking moment is the tearing of the temple curtain at the very moment of Jesus’ death (Matthew 27:51). This massive veil, which once separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place, symbolized the barrier between a holy God and sinful humanity. Only the high priest could pass through it once a year to offer sacrifices for the people’s sins. But with Jesus' final breath, that barrier was forever removed. His sacrifice opened the way for all to come directly into the presence of God.

Imagine a Great Fortress
Imagine a vast, ancient fortress with towering stone walls and a heavily guarded gate. For centuries, the people outside could only wonder what it was like inside, knowing that entry was impossible. Then one day, the gate swings wide open—not by the effort of the people but by the hand of the King Himself. Jesus’ death was that opening of the gate. He removed every barrier that separated us from God and invited us to walk in freely.

No longer do we need priests, rituals, or sacrifices to approach God. Jesus, the true Passover Lamb, has made the way clear and open. This is not just a historical truth but a living reality. Because of Jesus, we are welcomed into God’s presence as beloved children, not distant strangers.


  • Do we live as though the gate has been opened, or do we still stand outside, hesitant to enter into the fullness of God’s presence?

  • Are we resting in the truth that Jesus' sacrifice was complete and final, or do we still try to earn God’s favor through our own efforts?

Thank You for opening the way into Your presence through Jesus’ perfect sacrifice. Thank You that the veil is torn and that nothing now stands between us and You. Draw us closer, Lord, that we may walk confidently in the grace You have so freely given. Let us rest in the truth that Jesus has done it all. May we live in the light of that victory today and always.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

May we remember today that Jesus didn’t just die to forgive us—He died to bring us near. Let us step boldly into that nearness.


Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ: Living in Freedom


The Illusion of Refuge: Trusting in God Alone