God’s Attributes: The Beauty of Who He Is

In Chapter 3 of The Knowledge of the Holy, A.W. Tozer takes us on a journey into the attributes of God—truths about who He is. These aren’t mere facts or traits as we might think about human characteristics. Instead, they reveal how God is. They are glimpses into His nature, made known to us so we might worship and know Him more deeply.

Tozer writes, “Love, for instance, is not something God has and which may grow or diminish or cease to be. His love is the way God is, and when He loves He is simply being Himself.” This truth invites us into awe-filled worship. God doesn’t just have love, justice, or mercy—He is love, justice, and mercy. His attributes are inseparable from His being, eternal and unchanging.

Seeking the Treasure of Who God Is

For me, discovering God’s attributes has been like uncovering a treasure more precious than gold. Tozer encourages us to see this study not as dull theology but as an act of worship. He echoes Frederick Faber’s words:

"Only to sit and think of God,
Oh what a joy it is!
To think the thought, to breathe the Name
Earth has no higher bliss."

It’s easy to rush past such reflection in the busyness of life, but when we pause to meditate on who God is, something incredible happens. Our perspective shifts. We’re no longer bound by the limits of our circumstances or emotions. Instead, we are drawn into the vastness of God’s greatness, and our hearts are lifted in adoration.

Attributes That Transform Our Lives

Understanding God’s attributes isn’t about intellectual exercise; it’s about transformation. Tozer reminds us that “All of God does all that God does.” His attributes are not divided or competing. When God acts, He does so as a perfect unity of justice, love, mercy, and wisdom.

This truth deeply affects how we live. For instance:

  • God’s love isn’t something He chooses to give one day and withhold the next. His love is constant because it’s who He is. We can rest in the assurance that His love for us never changes.

  • God’s justice is not a separate part of Him that competes with His mercy. They coexist perfectly, ensuring that His plans are both fair and compassionate.

  • God’s sovereignty means He is fully in control, and His actions are always consistent with His character. We can trust Him completely, even when we don’t understand His ways.

Worshiping the God Who Is

One of the most striking truths in this chapter is Tozer’s reminder that God doesn’t need to suspend one attribute to express another. Unlike humans, who often struggle to balance competing traits, God’s attributes exist in perfect harmony. This means that every action He takes is an expression of His entire being. When He loves, He does so with infinite justice, wisdom, and power. When He judges, it is with unending love and mercy.

Reflecting on this, I’m reminded that the God we worship isn’t fragmented or limited. He is whole, perfect, and utterly trustworthy. To know Him is to trust Him.

An Invitation to Know Him More

Tozer challenges us to approach God not as a subject to be studied but as a Person to be known and loved. He reveals Himself through nature, Scripture, and supremely through Jesus Christ. Yet, as Tozer emphasizes, this knowledge doesn’t lie on the surface. It must be sought through prayer, meditation, and worship.

As Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). Purity of heart comes not from striving but from resting in the truth of who God is, letting His Spirit transform us as we gaze upon Him.

A Prayer of Gratitude and Worship

Lord, we stand in awe of who You are. Thank You for revealing Yourself to us—not just through words, but through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. You are not distant or unknowable. You invite us into the joy of knowing You, the God whose love is perfect, whose justice is unchanging, and whose mercy is boundless.

Thank You for being exactly who You are—faithful, holy, and good. As we meditate on Your attributes, fill our hearts with worship. Let our lives reflect the beauty of who You are, not by our striving but by Your Spirit working in and through us. Amen.

Reflect and Share

  • What aspect of God’s nature has impacted your life the most?

  • How does knowing that God’s attributes are perfectly united deepen your trust in Him?

God’s attributes are not just truths to study; they are invitations to trust and worship the One who is infinitely greater than we can imagine. Let’s seek Him together and encourage one another in this journey of knowing Him. Share your reflections below!


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