Solomon Lecture Series, Lecture 3: The issues of rejection and identity in counseling
The following post contains some highlights from the third lecture in the Solomon Lecture Series, presented by Dr. Charles Solomon. The entire lecture series is available, here, at Grace Fellowship International.
It is interesting to note that Dr. Solomon points out that rejection is not the reason that we need to go to the cross. The flesh is the causative agent and rejection is the fruit. It is the flesh that needs to be brought to the cross. In counseling, we need to find out how a person’s identity is sourced ... is it from the flesh or is it from Christ. Is the individual self-centered or Christ-centered? Who is at his core? Dr. Solomon does not seem to be impressed with the counseling education that most pastors receive in seminary. He states that most had only had one course in counseling; sometimes none, as was the case of a pastor who attended his lecture. Because they do not believe they are equipped to handle counseling situations, Dr. Solomon says that pastors tend to send out troubled people into the world to find help with their problems. He states that “soul-care” is sent out into the world, rather than staying in the church where it belongs. (I wonder if he meant to say “soul cure”) He points out there is value to having a lay ministry within the church, where individuals are trained in the Exchanged Life counseling method. He emphasizes that people need not be highly educated to be Exchanged Life counselors.
On another topic, Dr. Solomon points out that divine acceptance is needed to nullify worldly rejection. For example, if a client’s identity is wrapped up in non-acceptance by their parents, then they can, instead, exchange that old identity for an identity that can be found in Christ’s life. He again states his belief that psychology treats symptoms and not the root problem. The root problem is the flesh. Although he is not a fan of integrationist counseling methods, he does see value in carrying out an intake interview with appropriate history taking. Again, he points out that psychology is descriptive (e.g. history taking), and not prescriptive (finding cure through psychological methods). He emphasizes that when taking a history, we shouldn’t get bogged down in addressing individual problems. If we do, we are essentially providing therapy, which is a form of strengthening the flesh. Instead, he wants us to look at the big picture where we can easily see that flesh is the problem, and that many of the problems that the person is experiencing can be resolved when the flesh is brought to the cross. Regarding identity, he notes that a person can have a major loss in their life and lose their identity, as their identity may have been wrapped up in a person, for example, as spouse, child, or parent, or, for example, even their career. Rejection can distort an identity. That identity needs to be brought to the cross and exchanged for Christ’s life and His identity. Dr. Solomon then paraphrases Jesus when he states that you have to lose your life (identity) to find it. I am intrigued how he substitutes the word “identity” for when we find the word “life” in certain Scriptures. It really brings out the meaning of the specific Scripture for me.