Seeking Our Perfection in Christ

Insights from In Christ by E. Stanley Jones

Reflection: Perfection in Christ, Not in Ourselves

Many have stumbled into the trap of self-declared perfection, convinced that their own efforts or understanding have brought them to a place of holiness. Yet, as E. Stanley Jones wisely points out, any self-focused attempt at perfection ultimately collapses under the weight of reality. The universe simply will not support a claim that places us at the center.

Scripture offers a different way—consider yourself dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus (Romans 6:11). The key is in those last two words: in Christ. Perfection, righteousness, and life itself are not ours to manufacture; they are realities found in Him. To step into self-reliance is to step out of that reality, losing sight of the only true source of holiness.

Think of a lamp plugged into an electrical outlet. The moment it is connected, the light shines—not because the lamp produces power, but because it draws from the power source. But if unplugged, the lamp ceases to function, no matter how well-designed it is. Our perfection is the same. The moment we abide in Christ, we share in His life. The moment we disconnect, we have nothing to sustain us.

This is the great invitation: not to strive for a perfection of our own, but to rest in the perfection of Christ within us. We are dead to sin and alive to God—not because we claim it by self-assertion, but because He has made it so in Himself.

Application: Living in the Reality of Christ

  • Abandon self-salvation. Any attempt to prove ourselves righteous apart from Christ is misplaced effort.

  • Consider yourself in Christ. This is not wishful thinking; it is aligning with the reality God has declared.

  • Stay plugged in. Remain in Christ through surrender and trust, not self-effort. The light shines when we abide.

Prayer of Confidence

Father, we rejoice in the truth that You have placed us in Christ, where all life, righteousness, and perfection are found. We stand in the reality that we are dead to sin and alive to You—not by our own doing, but by Your grace. There is nothing to add, nothing to earn, only a life to be lived through trust in the One who is our life. Thank You for this unshakable reality. In Christ, we live, move, and have our being. Amen.

📸 Photo Credit: Unsplash
📖 Devotional Insights from In Christ by E. Stanley Jones


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