Placed in the Light

Reflections on Oswald Chambers' December 26 Devotional

Walking in the Light
"If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, . . . the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin" (1 John 1:7).

At first glance, this verse sounds comforting, but Oswald Chambers reveals its depth and challenge. Walking in the light isn’t about living by our own standards of right and wrong, nor is it merely about feeling free from guilt. It’s about stepping into God’s light, where nothing is hidden, and letting the Holy Spirit reveal the true nature of sin—not just in what we do, but in who we are apart from Christ.

Understanding Sin and Freedom
Chambers warns against mistaking conscious freedom from sin (what we feel) for the deliverance that comes through the atonement of Jesus Christ (what He did). Real freedom starts not when we decide to stop sinning, but when we allow the Holy Spirit to apply Christ’s finished work to every part of us—both the sin we’re aware of and the sin we don’t even realize is there.

It takes being born again to truly understand the depth of sin. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal how far Christ’s sacrifice goes. The blood of Jesus doesn’t just purify the surface; it reaches every hidden corner of our being, cleansing us so completely that God sees nothing to condemn in us.

Living in the Light
Chambers writes, “To walk in the light means that everything that’s of the darkness drives me closer to the center of the light.” This resonates deeply. The closer we draw to God, the more clearly we see sin for what it is—and here’s the remarkable part—the more we hate it.

But this hatred isn’t something we muster up out of fear or guilt. It’s the work of the Holy Spirit conforming us to the image of Christ. As He transforms us, our affections become His affections, and His distastes become ours. This process often happens organically, without conscious effort, as we abide in Him.

Paul explains it beautifully: “It is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose” (Phil. 2:13). When we walk in the light, He reshapes our desires so we love what He loves and hate what He hates—not through striving, but through His life within us.

Transparency Brings Freedom
Walking in God’s light means living with nothing hidden, nothing folded up. It’s letting Him shine into every part of our lives, even the areas we’d rather keep in the dark. As He does, we experience the freedom and purity Christ secured for us. And the closer we draw to Him, the more His life transforms us, making us a reflection of His holiness and love.

Reflect & Respond
Take a moment to reflect on these questions:

  • Are there areas in your life that you’re keeping in the shadows?

  • How might stepping fully into God’s light change the way you experience His freedom and love?

Consider this prayer:
“Lord, I step into Your light today. Thank You for the blood of Jesus that purifies me from all sin, even the sin I don’t fully see. Shine into every corner of my life, transform my affections, and draw me closer to You.”

A Final Thought
The love of God at work in us doesn’t just make us hate sin—it makes us love holiness. Walking in His light isn’t a burden; it’s a joy, because it draws us nearer to Him. Let today be a step closer to that center of light, where freedom, purity, and Christ’s life abound.


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