Peace and Rest in His Perfect Work

📖 “The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me.” — Psalm 138:8

After coming to faith in Christ, many believers marvel at how blind they once were to the simple truth that salvation is entirely by grace—a finished work, received through faith. And yet, after experiencing this grace, they often return to striving, as though the Christian life now depends on their own effort rather than on Christ’s completed work. The same grace that saved us also establishes us, moment by moment, as we trust in Him.

The struggle comes when we attempt to maintain our abiding in Christ through self-effort, rather than recognizing that it is the Father who holds and sustains us. What peace and rest come when we acknowledge that He is the One who perfects, strengthens, and establishes us! Our life in Christ is not about trying to achieve or maintain something through our own striving but about recognizing that God Himself is the One who completes the work in us.

Imagine a skilled craftsman building an intricate timepiece. The gears, springs, and mechanisms do not struggle to function—they simply align with the master’s design and move as he intends. So it is with us in Christ. Our part is not to anxiously attempt to make the watch run but to trust the Master who ensures every detail is in place. The more we rest in His faithful care, the more our lives align with the rhythm of His grace.

“Now He which stablisheth us with you in Christ… is God.” —2 Corinthians 1:21


  • Do you catch yourself slipping into self-effort, as though your Christian life depends on you?

  • How does recognizing that God Himself establishes you in Christ change your daily perspective?

  • What would it look like today to rest in His work rather than striving in your own?

Prayer of Confidence

Father, I rejoice in the truth that You are the One who perfects, establishes, and completes Your work in me. I stand in awe of Your faithfulness, knowing that my abiding in Christ is not something I must maintain through struggle, but something You accomplish as I trust You. Thank You that my life is secure in Your hands, that every detail is under Your care, and that I need only rest in what You are already doing in me. May my thoughts, words, and actions today be a reflection of Your perfect work in me. Amen.

📌 Devotional insights from Abide Above. Image credit: Unsplash.


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