No Substitutes for Christ

📖 “For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” — Romans 8:38-39

E. Stanley Jones challenges us to consider whether we have unknowingly allowed “good things” to take the place of the Best—Jesus Christ Himself. It is easy to see how sin can hinder our intimacy with Christ, but what about the subtle replacements? Church involvement, theological accuracy, family, social circles—these are not evil in themselves, yet if they become our ultimate pursuit, they can separate us from fully experiencing the love of God in Christ.

The danger lies not in their presence, but in their placement. When Christ is the center, everything else finds its proper order. But when our loyalty shifts—when an institution, a doctrine, or even a beloved relationship takes the preeminent position—our spiritual life is quietly rerouted from Christ to something lesser.

Paul’s words in Romans 8 assure us that nothing can separate us from God’s love. Not even these “angels”—good things wrongly prioritized—have the power to remove us from Christ’s grip. But we must recognize when our focus has drifted. The issue is not that Christ has moved away, but that we have anchored our hearts in something other than Him.

Practical Application

  • Examine your heart: Is there something—even something good—that has taken precedence over Christ in your life?

  • Redirect your affections: Loyalty to a church, a doctrine, or a relationship should never overshadow direct fellowship with Christ. Keep Him as your first love.

  • Live from union: You are already in Christ, fully secure. Don’t let misplaced priorities rob you of the joy and freedom found in Him alone.

A Fresh Metaphor: The Compass and True North

A compass is a valuable tool for navigation, but if it is affected by nearby metals, it will give a false reading. In the same way, good things—church, doctrine, family, service—can subtly pull our attention away from Christ, the True North. The compass is only reliable when it aligns with the magnetic pull of the earth; our lives are only rightly ordered when Christ remains our fixed point of reference.

Thought-Provoking Questions

  • Are there any “good things” in your life that have unintentionally displaced Christ as your ultimate focus?

  • How can you ensure that your love for Christ remains greater than your love for anything else?

  • What does it look like for you to live in the assurance that nothing—not even half-goods—can separate you from God’s love?

Closing Prayer

Father, I rejoice in the unshakable reality that nothing can separate me from Your love in Christ. You have already given me everything I need in Him, and I rest in that sufficiency. I trust You to align my heart fully with Christ, that nothing—no doctrine, no institution, no relationship—will take His place in my affections. Thank You for securing me in Your love forever. Amen.

🖼️ Photo Credit: Unsplash
đź“– Excerpt from In Christ by E. Stanley Jones


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